
Yeah, I’d be celebrating if it was an Asian CEO of a company that touts rhino horn as a luxury health tonic who was killed and eaten, but not so much some poor indigenous African person just trying to survive.

I survived Hell Week at work. I don’t think I’ve ever been so tired. But I did get over 7 hours of overtime, and I promised myself that the money from that is going towards a massage or something as sumptuous and luxurious.

I will! We embarrass him every year by playing it at our family vacation.

I’m a commoner.  I don’t know how to pronounce those words either.  

Aww, I like those kinds of prints.  They remind me of fancy teacups and such. 

PSA for ladies lusting after Reformation: they go up to 3X now in lots of different styles. 

No problem - I appreciate that she’s not a perfect feminist. I’m learning all the time and I know there have been issues I was ignorant about in the past that I’ve since become more educated about and changed my views accordingly. Sounds like she might be doing the same.

Ah, I wasn’t aware of this. Thanks for taking the time to share.

Taken no steps to remedy” is just factually incorrect though. She’s very honest about past ignorance and educating herself.

She has some stuff to say but she’s been pretty SWERFy and TERFy and takrnno steps to remedy that when called in to dialogue. She’s sadly not a hero to all women, just the redfem defined ones.

As a straight lady, almost twice her age, I can not allow this to happen. I need to believe I still have a shot.

All the best to this gorgeous and talented couple.

The War on Normal People, by Andrew Yang

Everyone is welcome at my place for dinner! Few things in life make me happier than feeding people.

I don’t, but I have been told many, many times that I should. I probably should start one, innit.

It’s SO GOOD. I had no idea just how massive the Great Migration actually was, or that it continued on until about a decade before I was born.

I mentioned this upthread, but I’d recommend talking to your son about not being brainwashed by the diamond industry as well. I know at least one married couple where the woman thought it was silly to spend all that money but her husband-to-be’s ego was really caught up in buying her the “right” sort of ring.

I usually choose small rings but a big ol’ smokey quartz ring for dress-up occasions is something I’ve always wanted. A rich coffee coloured one sounds lovely.

YES YES YES to all of this. My partner did propose with a ring, but I would have been PISSED if it had been expensive to that level. I also would have been annoyed with a enormous flashy situation because that would show a major lack of understanding about my life (i.e. I do like jewelry, I do wear small rings, but I

I think this would cause a lot of ring purchases to not happen. Seriously it’s one thing for a girlfriend to expect a 5-figure ring given to her when she has no stake in the partnership. It’s quite another thing when you’re in a union together with joint finances and you have to make a choice TOGETHER to blow over