
Best advice ever.

This really is the smart way to do it. You pay 10x less, meaning your daughter won’t be drowning in debt when she graduates. She’ll only be up to her waist in it but she will still have that USC degree to put on her resume.

I don’t have a problem with it, but he is completely tone deaf to be bragging about how his daughter got in on her own merits.  I mean she may very well be qualified, but when you have $70 million backing your application, it is hard to claim that you “got in on your own.”

Every Friday on Groupthink we post Fur Face Friday so everyone can share pics of their furry, fluffy, and feathery friends. Yesterday it was linked from backtalk. It goes up around noon and we'd love to ooh and ah over pics of Archie!

A couple of weeks ago I joined the gym for the first time in my life (at 29) and this week I went 3 times! I was so self conscious the first time I went because I’m an excessive sweater and I’m pudgy and everyone else is so buff but I’ve realised no one cares. And I achieved gymming 3 times in a week despite the fact

Congratulations and best wishes for ongoing recovery! Take heart and keep at it. The body is miraculously capable of healing itself, I’m learning.

You guys, the meal we had last weekend. My husband’s cousin is an executive chef and we ate at the chef’s table. Holy shit. 8 courses became 12 and I think I gained 3 lbs just that night. I want it all again now please, but instead we’re having Chinese takeout. What was your best meal ever?

I finished week four of cardiac rehab. Eight to go. Will I get better, is the question, or will I continue on with heart damage that will not heal. IDK, kittens.

Big hugs. Movie recs... Three Billboards, Chef, Bad Times at the El Royale. 

It has been a time of high highs and low lows. Spent most of the week thinking I was going to see my man this weekend after several emotionally grueling weeks. We were so excited. And then something happened that shut it down. It’s no one’s fault, I’ll go in a couple weeks, and it’ll be OK. But I’ve just spent a long,

I love your updates, this is Ollie asleep, lol I normally have one hand immobilised too. 

Shelter Cat Update!

Weekly Achievement/Good Deed Thread!!! I’d like to open the WAT to some good deeds. I love hearing about the kindness others extend, so please let us know how you showed someone your heart.

Love SNS? Ever wish it was available 24/7? A long long time ago, jezebel (and all the gawker blogs) had an openthread that was always available for just general chatting. This was back in the days when the comments were actually moderated. It was just a scrolling page of comments, nothing fancy. Jezebel’s was called Gr

Oh, you’re ascribing a rationality to me that simply isn’t there. I received excellent care while publically (Medicaid) insured; care that absolutely saved my life. The problem is that I now have the screaming mimis when confronted with anything remotely reminiscent of that care, like a white coat or a blood pressure

I loved the bit about how the two founders, former tech industry workers with no healthcare background whatsoever, answered all the medical questions on the app for the first year.

The Tia Clinic, a members-only doctor’s office that recently opened its first location in New York City, describes itself on Instagram as “part gyno’s office,” “part wellness center,” and “part lady fort.”

It’s like this everywhere. I don’t know why they need to tear up one canyon.

My giant cherry tree in my backyard is looking at your poppies approvingly.
Pretty for a week out of the year, and then it shits non eatable cherries all over my yard for the entire summer. And then it grows parasite shrooms.

Basically it’s shit all year round, but IT’S SO PRETTY RIGHT NOW OMG !!!!

Side note: Who is the

The influencers, wannabe influencers, and Instagram models really are a nuisance. On one hand, I get it, chase your dreams or whatever, but on the other, it drives me crazy when I go places (poppy fields, museums, etc) and all those yuppies are blocking paths and getting in the way of people who actually want to be