
Maybe now Roger Stone can shut up

And then there’s those of us who got fuck all from our parents, and were lucky to make a career after paying for night classes at a business college. My parents didn’t even walk me though getting loans for school, much less how to apply for college. I had to figure it all out myself in my late 20s after I got tired of

And then you transferred into Wharton. We know Donald. Post your transcripts already.

USC is a private school (you can tell because it doesn’t start with UC for the University of California school system) and both USC and UCLA are pretty hard to get into especially given the quantity of out of state & foreign applicants who pay full sticker price. So no, most CA applicants don’t get in for “free”. Most

Exactly. I think it’s because I listened to Undisclosed so obsessively that I’m taken aback by commentators that seem really sure of his guilt...Serial was entertaining as hell, but not a deep dive by any means.

Serial raised questions about the legitimacy of the conviction, including... questionable cell phone tower data.

For $1 Billion dollars, and all the evidence that she escaped a total loser, I wish Linda well on her future as Queen I Don’t Give A Fuck

Honestly IME adults are the fucking worst. The worst flights I’ve spent have always involved entitled asshole adults being rude and annoying. And adults seem to be the ones that start fights after being asked to stop doing something, I’ve never had a 7 year old curse me out or threaten me for asking them to put their

You are not missing anything. The movie was horrendously bad, the chemistry and acting were severely overwrought and it was BORING. 


They were high school aged children that are mature enough to get a dose of reality but young and naive enough to be used to create a viral video by assholes incapable of having a serious discussion about how best to fight climate change.

I should add, though, I don’t like when people respond that we can’t pay for the green new deal.

Oh fuck off, this wasn’t edited to twist her words, the pretentious bullshit coming out of her mouth is entirely her own.

Feinstein clearly felt ambushed (she was) BUT she seemed to forget that she is elected as a representative of the people’s wishes. Her election that she just won is not a trophy of sorts, it is merely an indication that those who voted for her thought she would represent their interests. I would love to see the

Did she handle it the best? No.

If you really think that “self-examination leads to self-improvement,” then you’re better off examining why big tech companies collude to drive down wages (Apple and Google), abuse the visa process (Facebook and everyone else), contract with companies in China who commit egregious human rights violations to build your

Here’s my theory, worth what you paid for it: these days, a greater portion of USAen wealth is inherited. Some heirs are smart, but a lot of them are nitwits—which leads to a greater percentage of capital being commanded by people incapable of tying their shoes.

When we were looking for pup to enjoy being outside with us in the winters, we looked into getting a Husky, but didn’t have the space. Tried to find an Alaskan Klee Kai (mini Husky?), no luck. Found this guy, runt of his litter, last to be adopted, sheds like crazy!

Here’s my Siberian Husky buddy, Linux. He’s 5. Finally learned that naps are pretty cool. He’s a good boy with bad habits that stem from my boyfriend having acquired him while living with 5 other early-twenties dudes who had ZERO interest in enforcing training rules (like no human food for the doggy). Now we just have

Why don’t we ask General James “Mad Dog” Mattis, who has lent his credibility to both of those hucksters without any lasting repercussions?