
I hate that the women in his life seem to be held more publicly accountable for his actions than he is. We either have articles asking women to answer for his crimes, or articles asking when CK and men like him are allowed to return to their “rightful” place in the spotlight. Why do women have to answer for the

That kitchen looks fantastic! My husband also turned 45 on Tuesday. Sadly, we did not get a rocking new kitchen out of that deal. He did get a new computer, but that was because the old desktop died unexpectedly, so that was not really money we planned on spending right now.

I was stuck in my house for like, 52 days this week because of the cold. So? I made HOMEMADE CROISSANTS. Would you take a gander at the lamination I got on this baby?

Those are terrifyingly badass! I wish there was a legit way I could get away with having them in Florida! LOL! Although... I guess the answer to that equation is just: Florida.

I’m mostly interested in museums, like the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert, and all the places I’ve read about in literature. 

Shelter Cat Update!

Hi Jezzies, I’m doing slightly better emotionally since being mugged. Though it’s a struggle having had my money stolen, when I get paid next I’m going to be behind because I have to make up bills I should of paid out of stolen money. On the plus side my shoulder doesn’t hurt anymore. And on the bigger plus side it’s

Hello from hospital! After a week of throwing up violently, I finally drove to ER, where i immediately threw up all over the floor. So far labs, CATscan, sonograms all look okay. No big problem revealed. However, this extreme nausea is not abating, and I'm really suffering. I'll take some thoughts and prayers, please!

Temperatures below freezing? Crank that oven up to 500! What’s everyone cooking or baking? Pain de Campagne here. And another question, I have an opportunity to go to London in May, I’m wondering if I shouldn’t because of the Brexit negotiations. On the other hand I’m nearly dancing with excitement at the thought of

Have you tried Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer? It helps me (a person with generally oily skin, though winters dry me out) a lot. Rich enough to make a palpable difference, but light enough that I don’t feel as though I’m coated in butter.

So I went for an interview last week for a promotion at work, having applied for it before Christmas... and I got it.

There was nothing triggering her, except for her need to demean 2 heavyset black people.

He really is, in so many ways. I’d eat a sandwich on a park bench with him any time.

They say God made man in his image.  That man’s name?  Keanu Reeves.

The words ‘courage’ and ‘toughness’ and ‘guts’ are thrown around routinely in pro sports, but all those apply in spades to Lindsey Vonn and her co-competitors. The unbelievable speeds they generate on skis on seemingly vertical surfaces and slopes of ice has to be witnessed to be comprehended.

And Keanu really deserves your adoration because he is the best.

I loved it. 

I have absolutely intervened when a creepy guy was trying to haul away an incapacitated woman at a bar. FUCK that shit.

I have a story. You know how a lot of times women (even complete strangers) will cozy up to a woman who is too drunk, who is being accosted by a man clearly intent on taking her home to do god knows what to her? And women can sense a man’s ill intent? I suggested to some men that this was a very effective intervention

You tagged this “Los Angeles” rather than merely “Assholery in modern urban life” so I offer an anecdotal counterpoint. Onlookers in Los Angeles can also be very good Samaritans!