
This is what drives me crazy about these kinds of comments; so much of our cultural “memory” of marriage is enshrined from upper middle class norms (usually Western, obviously straight, usually from a very specific time period). So, so many people throughout history didn’t have the same sex norms or gender

The way I conceptualize it is that our roles are clearly defined and static. That role is to be a loving and respectful partner for the other. That’s it. What that looks like in action on a day-to-day basis is going to change a lot depending on your stage in life and what your needs are, but to me it’s meaningful that

In the past everything was awful all the time. When you were busy being worked to death, six days a week from sun up to sun down, and dying of smallpox there wasn’t time to grow to hate the way your spouse asks, “What’s for dinner?”

In the end, I think it’s a much better, stronger bond because it’s a decision you are constantly choosing but it is definitely a lot of work.

I think this is a good point. In relationships where the roles are clearly defined, expectations are set and stuck to. Now, everything is in flux and you have to be able to change together and swap roles as needed. In the end, I think it’s a much better, stronger bond because it’s a decision you are constantly

For me, this is the Platinum Standard of Marriage:

“It’s Kellyanne... Putmeonteevee...”

“the PRiNcE is MARRYING a COmmONER!!!!”

Keep in mind that this is very very VERY common when people are facing a big life change, like starting a family. Even when it’s positive and desired a lot of anxiety goes with the territory, and one way the brain channels anxiety is through fantasy. So this guy has become your “catchall” drawer for the life you’re

I haven’t been to Saturday social in a while, but I wanted to come in to say, I have a well paying contract job, that will last at least seven months and has a very good chance of going to full time. And i like it and te people Iwork with. I came in to fill in for maternity leave, and with some new initiatives it

I think my kid just broke my nose.

Annoyance of the week: one of my old high school friends has been taking those “drink and paint” classes and she’s been posting her “work” every week. Basically, these classes coach the participants on how to copy a particular sample painting, which is usually something ghastly like “blue bamboo bonsai in vase”. Thing

thanks for the reminder.

My Andy Warhol inspired holiday nails.

Muppet Christmas Carol? Nice! Candy creamer sounds good, but not quite as good as bourbon. Wishing you a calmer week!

I’m at the point in my life where I want to have children, but literally the only reason I want to is so I can stay home with all of them and be freed from the pressure of making money and climbing the corporate ladder. Instead, I can take on the task of being a full time mom. Idk which is better, being a full time

Hey all! I'm at a hotel in town for The Bartender's birthday, and we're gonna hang and drink and eat room service! Last weekend I judged a college mock trial tournament in NYC, exhausting yet so fun and fabulous (mock geek 4 lyfe). And I saw Kip Moore, Radney Atkins, and the adorbs Aussie who is married to Kelsea

I volunteer to check homeless hostels are being run correctly and that the residents are happy and comfortable. This week I visited one and I was so thankful for the homeless hostel that I was in, the room I had was a palace compared to the bleak room i saw. It wasn't the hostel that I visited this week fault, there's

Hello friends, I’d just like to vent a little bit.

Started my journey to better health. New meds from the VA have me feeling steady and school is going well. Things are looking up!