Wait, I fit this description :(
Wait, I fit this description :(
Saaaaame :( Although! Wish Upon a Star was a personal favorite of mine tho.
My mom (who, it must be said, IS NOT EVEN OLD...she’s like 57!) can be such a dick to people in the service industry, especially drive-thrus, and I just don’t understand. When I ask her about it she seems to have no idea, or tries to reason that she has a right to be angry when someone gives her the wrong kind of taco…
Such a serious bb! Protecting their hooman, no doubt 😍 12/10 would give a raise for their work ethic.
YES! There was one time we took her to the vet and they said “nope, take her to a groomer.” So we took her to a groomer and they said “nope, take her to a vet.”
Feel better, Spunkie!
They love you back!
There is video footage from my 21st birthday that I am grateful I never saw. Although I have a good drunk quote from that night—I got paranoid that some British bartender was hitting on me, so I told my friends, “Do you know that would be my first international erection? I usually only give domestic ones.”
I work way too hard (to the point where people on other teams say things to me like “I notice you work a lot. And I hope you start setting boundaries for yourself.”) and my weekends basically look like this. I think work-life balance might work better? But intense workout classes and burning money on Amazon seem to be…
You guys sound so fun!
This reminds me to a time that I went to an opera that was very cleared billed as the avant-garde performance of the season, and an older woman behind me complained the ENTIRE performance about everything—the costumes, the direction, the performance—called it trash, then eurotrash. I had never seen anyone so offended…
This sounds both accurate and fair.
Not a divorce, but when I look back on breakups my happiest memories do all seem to involve:
Ha! When I was a legal assistant, some of the lawyers I worked with (including a couple of partners) tried to convince me to go to law school. But they were all so miserable, I went into advertising instead. (Direct quote from an associate: “If I could just return this degree for a refund and go get a job at Forever…
Never been in law school (though I was a legal assistant, and dated several lawyers! I always felt like I earned an honorary JD between all of that), but I didn’t finish college until I was 28. Now I am 33 and work at an ad agency (for context, ad agencies definitely skew young. The hours are so grueling, any sensible…
Nahhh it’ll be fine. You can always make small incremental changes to get to whatever color you want.
Hugs to you! I’d love to hang if I still lived in LA :(
It would never occur to me to go to NM, but you’ve changed my mind!
I mean. Yes. But also, I always walk away from a Greyhound with a good story, e.g.:
If you have skills that can be outsourced (design, coding, copy/video editing) you can probably get on Taskrabbit! Or exploit your social followers (and the cuteness of your kids) and submit to various influencer platforms.