
What QTs! Here are my pupperinos:

Only roughly! But yes:

I ALSO have a red Kitchen aid—triplets!!

And onigiri!

My favorite thing from the week were some mango summer rolls! And then many dipping sauces (favorites were a soy-ginger and a peanut sauce). I happened to have everything on hand which was great, and had vermicelli bowl leftovers for days too!

Thanks for the tip! I went there once a couple of years ago to see Charles Bradley at Pappy and Harriet’s, and was super bummed we didn’t get to explore more so making good on that now. I am not sure we can camp with dogs in Joshua Tree so was planning to Airbnb, but definitely looking forward to exploring!

Oh I am so sorry to read all of this. Can you take time off from work to spend with your dad and/or process? I’d hope they’d be understanding given these circumstances.

Samesies! I still get the emails about their shows...and then pout that I can’t go :(

Every time I order a kale salad in a restaurant and it comes to me un-massaged, I throw a silent tantrum. 

What an amazing itinerary! I’m sure you created so many priceless memories. 

I’m planning one in October with my husband and our pups. LA> Palm Springs > Joshua Tree > Vegas. I have a rough idea of things I want to do, most of them weird things I’ve been meaning to check out for years but just never have: Integratron, Salvation Mountain, East Jesus, the general alien landscape that is the

These suits are all cute but I feel pretty confident they would look like garbage on me. I can’t do the high waisted legging/long line sports bra thing either without looking like I’ve been stuffed into sausage casing. Maybe it’s because I’m short?

Same! I never understood why one pieces were supposed to be the matronly option. No one will never convince me that a one piece is a better option than a bikini (for my body). My womanly pooch makes a lot more sense unadorned, rather than when I’m trying (and failing) to cover it up with spandex.

Wait! I got this style last year and it’s actually fine for leisurely water activities (I mean I might not enter a competitive diving competition in it or whatever but works for my lazy purposes). (I’m sorry this photo is huge I am technologically inept.) But yes obviously bottles of sunscreen, huddle in the shade,

Right? You get to call a mulligan on that whole month.

Fucking right more nachos for you! It obviously has nothing to do with you.

I am not HR. But speaking as a manager who can make a (pretty) final decision: I would never say “Yes, we are issuing an offer,” until after said offer was issued.

Saaaame. I’m not above selfie-ing per se (alcohol is usually involved) but I don’t understand selfie culture. I just went to one of those immersive pop art museums (basically selfie sets) and I just...didn’t get it. Waiting in line to have my picture taken hit a little too close to middle-school-picture-day home.

+1 for men’s lululemon (assuming it’s within budget). I bought my husband a pair of ABC pants (I worked on the ad campaign last year—the advertising worked) and he refuses to remove them.

Yayyyy you got dis!!