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No, there were Nazis around then. You just didn’t see them because they were uncomfortable revealing themselves. They got a very big boost from GamerGate. Please enjoy this video explaining some of their coding.

yeah but I’d pay to see the Aristocrats

So, you may not be aware of this, but Tebow actually had a professional sports career before his Mets years. In said career, he was consistently one of the most newsworthy and controversial athletes in all of sports, due to a combination of going out of his way to publicly insert evangelical Christianity into sports

I believe it's Raptured to the Mets.

Wow, Nazis are cold sores.

Because they don’t read and write so well.

The one where Archer’s voicemail message was just an airhorn would be perfect for these dumbasses.

Texting is fer homo Commie libturds!

There’s a list of roughly 10 people I could come up with very quickly, that I’d like to see disappear. James O’Keefe is one of them. The fact that law-breaking assholes like him and Desouza get to stick around, whether because of pardons or only being given probation, it’s bullshit.

Oh, and let’s not forget that the government and right-wing extremists are conspiring to jail leftists in the J20 trials. I saw Rosenstein up on capital hill yesterday getting shouted at by Jim Jordan (lol, dumbass), why the fuck isn’t Jennifer Kerkoff having to answer for conspiring with Project Veritas AND

Well, those should come as entirely acceptable to the civility police because none of them used either the word “fuck” or “cunt” (though one assumes there are many more lurid examples you’ve not shared).

You should have one of those voice mail messages where you say “Hello” and it sounds like you’re on the other end. Then about 10-15 seconds in say they need to speak up because you have a bad connection and then do it again after 10 seconds and, after another 20 seconds by which point they should be screaming

Can’t believe Maxine Waters called you this many times. I had no idea she could disguise her voice like that!

clearly, if only heather heyer had reasonably negotiated with the Dodge Charger that ran her down, precisely as Fox News advised right-thinking patriots to do, this all could have been avoided