
Crysis Baby.

And they will absolutely ignore her stated point of why bringing her child over in this situation was very relevant and try spreading some usual bs about a “lib” using children as a prop.

Now playing

I believe in the Libertarian doctrine it’s “the right to be monumentally stupid in public and freedom from having rational thoughts.”

Disclaimer:  I’ve been drinking and acting out. I’m not picking a fight with you, who is probably a reasonable person.  


Totally. I subscribe to demagogues so hard that I incorporate them into my username, except I don’t.

May I ask you one question?  If you had to choose a label would you identify as a libertarian? 

Some people probably paid to see two girls one cup.  To each their own I suppose.

Womp Womp

I too appreciate anecdotal evidence as being the sum of my world view.  It’s quite freeing.

Even for trolling I must say I don’t get the connection to Kanye?  Yeezy?

They’re a bit like internet trolls.  They thrive on the worst of times and pop up at a moments notice when need be.

Between Mike himself, his two degenerate large adult sons, and his monstrous unabashed liar daughter, can we just start using the phrase “The Huckabees!” in the same fashion as “The Aristocrats!”

I was not ready for that plot twist and due to my out loud reaction all of my coworkers are now watching this video.


They just fight tooth and nail to stop any interfering in any way with the gun running that supplies these problems because move more product, make more money.

Twitter is cancer. That being said, I only finally caved and joined it a few months ago because I found it useful for keeping up with my local politics. It takes a lot more work to absorb local news when national and world news dominates even my local tv/radio/papers. I try to keep the amount of people I’m following

Yeah, I live in the real world. I completely understand that like the old INS, there is a need for investigators, agents, and border patrol of some kind. Like you said, its just gotten out of control in the name of “terror” and will continue to do so if nothing is done because, like our military, you’ll be branded

That’s a fantastic response that completely avoided the commenter’s point that the NRA does not in fact promote safe and responsible gun ownership but rather represents corporate interests to sell as much product as possible no matter the cost to society.

I didn’t create the name but I will apologize for spreading this blasphemous association of that a-hole and your fine city.