
Because they don’t like the fact that Antifa isn’t crazy about capitalism or the system either. They want to keep the status quo. They like it.

Now playing

Lol, like the rule of law is more important than “what I believe ought to be true” to these assclowns.

What’s crazy is the blurring of the line between “these baldface lies can be deployed as useful truth-undermining tactics” and “why yes, a cabal of thousands of bureaucrats is somehow managing to engage in a large scale conspiracy without leaving any kind of paper trail, these are my beliefs.”

It’s now the conspiracy theory party. Full on transition. A few years ago, we used to laugh at Alex Jones and condemn his stupid thoughts. Now those same thoughts are on Fox News and being repeated by Senators and House members. It’s legit frightening how stupid a large portion of our country is.

Pai belongs in prison.

Kid is obviously a crisis actor.  Full time work these days...

I’m surprised his first reaction wasn’t to take the child in to custody. Seems to be the current trend. And what was she thinking using a children as a shield. 

When any other measure short of publicly shaming fails to gain traction, you use the tools left to you. Trump and company are the ones who have chosen to be tone deaf to anything less.

Cut to the Civility Brigade clutching their pearls. Someone fetch my smelling salts and my fainting couch, for that I am getting the vapors!

She wasn’t yelling.  And, confronting these assholes whenever and wherever you have the chance is good.

Another HERO! Don’t let these fucks have one peaceful moment!

a frank and well mannered criticism of a public servant by a member of the public, the frothing incivility of the lefty libtards knows no bounds

The idea of liberty founded this country.

This is a stupid take.

The idea of liberty founded this country


The GOP has tried to abolish the Dept. of Ed since Reagan, and they keep coming back to wanting to drown the government in a bathtub. 

Those people in the center do vote.

Whoa Mr. Mill, I’m gonna have to ask you to be more civil.

Mainstream Republicans get no flack for demanding we abolish the Departments of Education, Energy, and Oops, but “abolish that 15 year old agency that’s stealing children” is going to far.