
Who are the people these programs are supposed to help.

Or perhaps that the Democratic Party itself isn’t committed to this platform?

I’m not sure what’s more sad. The fact that he is so detached from reality that he thinks every single bullet point on that list is negative, or that millions of Americans will nod along and agree.

Whoops, I’m sorry. Tell you what, let’s leave out a nice plate of cookies and I bet Santa will have eaten them all by morning!

democrats have managed to find a handful of people with minor flaws in their records which have prevented them from voting, and are trying to claim that the money they need to spend to correct the bureaucratic errors represents some kind of excessive barrier.

The real challenge would be in finding voting rules and regulations being pushed by Republicans that aren’t racist.

Black people were historically denied voting even when presenting ID because their ID was disputed by all white voter poll attendees. Then it was forgotten or proven their ID was valid after it was too late to vote also for an ID to be valid in some states address must match on ID with voting precinct. I’ve moved

CheeseSandwich is right, but in the unlikely event that this isn’t bait:

Because you are asking for IDs which are common for white suburbanites but not for urban poor minorities. When racist pigphuqers in local government subsequently close down urban DMVs and stop “Motor Voting” registration in the interests of “fiscal responsibility”

Ocasio-Cortez is exactly the kind of candidate we need running everywhere for everything. Sick of the the status quo, new ideas, actual passion for serving the people. Maybe the time is nigh for the Democratic Party to fade away and the Democratic Socialists to replace them.

On the internet, hope—and murderous, incoherent rage—spring eternal. I would like to address this post to my

We realize a Doug Jones or a Conor Lamb are what it takes to steal some areas

Do you actually see things like US personnel holding military roles in El Salvador’s death squad government and School of the Americas-trained Atlacatl Battalion massacres as “ham handed attempts to fix” problems caused by the Soviets? Is that genuinely your position?

Uh, no. We want the U.S. to fix what the U.S. did. The fact that the Soviets pulled shit doesn't mean the U.S. didn't.

Your point was literally “What about what the Soviets did?”. 

Did you just whataboutism the fucking 1980's? Lol


This is a joke, right? It’s fucking hilarious.

I’m sure that would work out splendidly, just like having your HOA or take over governance!

To echo another poster, elsewhere. I was an anarchist. In high school.