
I only follow football, but I’ve always found myself reading a lot of Deadspin’s articles because the writing was just so fucking good—and the comment section was dependably terrific as well. Was. Jesus, whatever the many and legion faults of men like Pulitzer and Hearst, they were true newspapermen, not “outside the

I loved Deadspin for the sports and the everything else that they covered. There is now a gaping hole in GMG where Deadspin and Splinter used to be.

And just to top off how bad at their jobs they are their corporate line is worse at damage control than a dumb faux kinja account’s scribblings...

Gronk approve!!

Jim Spanfeller looks like a guy who gives his niece lingerie for her birthday.

Hell, I’d take Tide Pods over candy corn.

Send Jim the sugar-free kind.

My kids

There is way too much sports talk diluting this website’s content. Please stick to dogs.

If anyone wants to hit up ole’ Jimmy Spanny himself and ask him what the fuck is going on, here’s his number! 917-881-5965

Thanks for sticking to the sports content! I love this sports.

Hey, they are with you guys!

God damn it. Stick to sports and stop talking about the MLS!

May I suggest a new Deadspin mascott, Sticky; The Stick-to-Sports Stick. Sticky lives in Jim Spanfeller’s butt.

Okay, got it. don’t agree with Brad. Didn’t mean to interrupt your monologue.

It’s funny how the “concerned parent”is being made fun of. Parents look at porn, FYI. 

Your honor, as you can see my client not only checked the box proving consent, but is also a senior citizen, no American over the age of *checks notes* 133 years should be treated this way.

Reasonable measures, says Franks, would include asking uploaders to check a box verifying that every person depicted in a given video has consented

A) I love the use of quotes on “concerned parent”