I would prefer a rum ham!
I would prefer a rum ham!
I have seen every stupid local sports “celeb” commercial, but never this one. I would have remembered Solar Dog!
Last week before the first home preseason game all the local news talked about was the tailgating rules at the Muni lot.
I love Aaron Rupar. He is doing the lords work. I don’t have to watch an entire trump speech. He’s probably the only thing keeping me on twitter.
That’s what a barber is supposed to do. Actually, a good one will cut a couple stray nose hairs and brows.
When I went through cosmetology 50% of our training clientele were men over 60. I became the go to clipper person for ear hair. That was a thing my grandpa and guys like him had done by their barber.
The usual Ohio is shit. We don’t call it the North Coast for nothing. Check out Lake Erie and the rivers. Beaches, surfing, boating...
I thought it was because that was the day Epstein’s sealed inditement was filed
I had given up reading Drew for a while. This was worth coming back for.
Can confirm. I learned to make u-turns there. You had to or you never got anywhere.
I reconnected with a former JW I last saw almost 30 yrs ago. Was surprised he was still religious. He was a compulsive liar shitbag, so there’s that.
Semi cultish? Full on cult.
144,000 get to serve in the Kingdom with Jehovah. The rest get to live forever on earth. Something about lions laying in peace with lambs. Bunch of cult bullshit. I wasn’t allowed to participate in sports or any extra curricular activities because “Bad associations spoil useful habits.”
Sorry, I always need the office cooler than my male counterparts. That’s because I’m actually doing work while their little bitch asses are complaining online about how unfair it is working in an office with women. Boo.Hoo.
I’ve spent a lot of time on the road being the rabbit. And all the other times following you. My husband had no idea of this concept until our first road trip in ‘02. You always gotta catch a group of at least 3 normal drivers to keep a good pace. Rabbits should have a good eye for cops, debris, reasons for lane…
Then maybe not a shitload of articles speculating? Try a few articles on the difficulty of getting proper mental health care. Obviously Brit has the money for treatment but that mans nothing sometimes. And the people wanting help cant afford it.
people just don’t understand unless they’ve lived it. My husband found out the hard way but is extremely supportive. It’s not as easy as taking someone to the dr. or calling the police and everything is fixed. Hoping for the best for your family.
Bullshit. The best thing that ever happened for my schizophrenic father is Job and Family services finally taking over his finances. It is extremely difficult to manage money for someone mentally ill. She is very lucky to have so much support. As an only child and the rest of his family dead or mentally ill it was …
Yeah, this is awful. I’ve been dealing with my dads mental illness since at least 1977. Nothing fun about visiting your dad at a psychiatric hospital when you are 5 years old. I recognize a lot in Britany that I’ve seen in my dad. It’s not funny.
Because people, like Trump, are sundowning in the evening so might need to air these earlier in the day.