Calus Rethca

I’m honestly as tired as the “John McCain was a terrible terrible person who no one should say nice things about” pieces as the “John McCain was last of a rare and noble breed of American statesmen” pieces. Dude died just yesterday, and in my universe, it’s still poor manners to interrupt other people’s mourning with

You guys are fucking morons... It’s a dumb tweet. The end. Why turn it sexist?

Your loss.

Elijah Wood in Sin City. 

So we’re at a point in society where you need consent to play games the way you want.

Here’s a tip:

Stop using your autism as an excuse for things. I certainly didn’t mention autism in my post, and it has literally nothing to do with the topic at hand.

You’re right, because there was never a mass shooting before the invention of video games.

Of course it’s going to be an action RPG because it’s not a remaster, it’s a REMAKE.
All of you seem to have the same problem: “Respect my childhood game, but I want a new experience!”
How the hell are they supposed to give you a new experience if you don’t want them to change anything?
Midgar is going to end up the

By their powers combined summon a Reeeeeeel Big Fish.

Not the first time he left a Chiaotzu-sized hole in something.

Watching other people play games can be just as fun as playing them

except vr is flourishing...

This really takes the identity gamer stuff too far. I will be flamed with you. Clicked because WTF and now I’ll never get my time back.

Is this really the direction Kotaku is headed? Really? 10 years I’ve been on this site, and now I have to wade through this kind of garbage? This is a bit too much, sorry. I find this post far from Kotaku’s standards. Flame me all you want, but I find this inappropriate. Can we stick to more content that Kotaku is

Because not everyone is such a twat.

The general game-style may not be for all, but in my opinion FFIX’s backgrounds are among the most beautiful and consistent in the history of pre rendered backgrounds, if not the best.

Now playing

Track: Aerodynamic | Artist: Daft Punk | Album: Aerodynamic

You’re nuts. FFIX is incredible.

You are not the target audience. Pikachu is designed to appeal to young children. Get the fuck over it.