Calus Rethca

One of the greatest actors of the 20th century.

As someone with all three new-gen systems, here's how it breaks down for me:

3 > 2 . Whether you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.

Now for the "stuck in combat when obviously nothing is attacking you or even anywhere near you" bug which has also been in the game forever.

That bus....OMG

I say it's fake? It's still fun, though.

cool figure, but I hate this rendition of Bane.

yeah, Kotaku authors must be really skittish people. Their examples of terrifying and of "nightmare fuel" tend to refer to rather innocuous, though somewhat strange things

I gotta agree. I normally only play with family or friends and even then i get annoyed prety easy. Heavy breathing bugs the hell out of me. Not muting when someone is having a conversation outside of the game or eating on the mic are huge peeves. This guy would cause me to burn my headset. Plus it just seemed fake to

My pediatrician advised that medically-necessary circumcisions in adulthood are far more risky, and exponentially more painful. My sons had theirs cut in their sleep, with a local anesthetic. They didn't even flinch. That's no more barbaric than having your fingernail cut off.

when you open your 3DS XL you hear the click from the hinge right? that sound is caused the by the hinge clicking into place way too tightly, as a result you get stress fractures like in the bottom two pictures

There's a catch, of course: my save data didn't move over. Nintendo doesn't store saves in the cloud. The New 3DS uses Micro SD cards and I don't have a way of reading them on my computer, so there's no way to drag the data from my old 3DS SD card to my New 3DS SD card.

How about a broken Wii? Mine broke a couple years back but I've been hesitant to send it in for repairs because I don't want or need a new one (I have a Wii U) I just want my save data back.

Awesome trolling. I love how fun and lighthearted it was. The brother guessed it (I love his pleas for help understanding HOW his brother got so good, while admitting: wow, he's just so much better than me, instead of some trite accusations of hacking), but was cool about it, which made laughing about it so much more

oh shit I'm really sorry, thats my (really embarrassing) bad. Not trying to be sarcastic, i genuinely feel shitty and i apologize. I jumped to fight mode cause i saw other commenters judging this dude and i read your comment without thinking critically. Again im really sorry, and sorry for calling you an asshole :(((('s almost like I can see why women aren't digging him

Every Souls board is a wretched hive of scum and villainy.

I hate those boards.You rarely get help from anyone it's mostly filled with elitisism.