
Glad you put in that he choked on his own vomit, because if it was someone elses that woulda been weird, because, ya know, they cant dust for vomit.

For Context you should put in how many innings he has pitched in that Streak.

Its actually more like if UMBC had beat UVA four times in a row

Kraft has a wide stance

That Helicopter is like Trump. You are just minding your own business, when he swoops in and screws up something for you and you go down in a heap.

Cue all the MAGA types that will post the same MEME they posted after AP beat his kid, they will say their father beating them toughened them up (ETC)… and it will make zero sense

Ashley, after writing about how she is monetizing her status as a Student you go on to say that she is only In college because her parents wanted her to?  That's contradictory. She can GET SOMETHING out of being in college. Considering she leapt on it pretty quick (the monetizing part) objectively you can say she is

Addendum to all this... Ive heard I don't know HOW MANY, nfl podcast mention Casserlys comments but NOT A ONE, has mentioned his conflict of interest. Casserly knows this and has gone harder at the preppers knowing no one was gonna call him out. that's worse than him taking Shuler 3rd, mainly because I cant stand

So did him losing congress and being incredibly unpopular. AMIRITE??!!

If you don't know Avery Brundage you should.

What is the deal with the lady in white standing next to Manning?  Her face looks squashed

I was with ya, till you wrote having Obama fill out a bracket was something queasy....  Nah, it doesn't because everyone fills out a damn bracket... You know what everyone DOESNT do? Watch shitty UFC Videos or know a single UFC Fighter.

that’s the dumbest thing I ever heard. I served. My Daddy served (3 Wars, including a stint as a POW after he was captured on Corregidor) and he is buried in Arlington. We fight so people CAN protest, sometimes stuff we don't like, sometimes stuff we agree with.  )

They can use this clip to sum up the Kavanaugh Nomination when it goes down. Except Trump throws in the ball and Kavanaugh is drinking a brewski

Kavanaugh put this on a gif and has already whacked to it. When he heard that Eifert hurt himself later, he blamed a woman for it.

thanks for posting the Ben Hobbs thing. I had forgotten about him. But LOVED that tweet and was able to reply accordingly.. .

He wasn't shot, he did it himself

Everyone told Smith to use The Hamburglar as his fixer... but no

Name him Corporal Bonkerz…. We named our GENERAL Bonkerz, but no way that kitten deserves a high rank

The lady in the picture for the Dyson is the same lady in the Shark and other vacuum ads they just photoshop the vacuum in.

The lady in the picture for the Dyson is the same lady in the Shark and other vacuum ads they just photoshop the