
The Boys trapped in the Mine, have issued a statement saying that once rescued they will not accept an offer to visit Trump at the White House.

Nah, to everything you said. You have to publically shame the first guy you get a chance to, so the next frat bros think twice about it. Its NOT gonna change their mind (this lawyer will still be a bigot) but if it stops someone from doing it fine. Besides all that. This whole episode is PSA, if this guy was MY

I saw that movie in the theatre as a 20 year old and it sucked. In fact I almost didn’t go to see Se7en because it was the same director. But Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt seemed inspired casting.
Dutton was the best part of that film

Coming a Day after the Orangeman said that Paralympics were “’tough to watch”” comes the perfect antidote, the kid can play, and contribute, he will get his chance and that’s what he deserves. 

Coming a Day after the Orangeman said that Paralympics were “’tough to watch”” comes the perfect antidote, the kid can play, and contribute, he will get his chance and that’s what he deserves.

I was wondering what Willie AMes had been up to after Eight is Enough

I was wondering what Willie AMes had been up to after Eight is Enough

I ran it with the Tweet I have pinned and it came up Hack Wilson-esque!!!... (Retires from Twitter)

I guess Keven felt he had to top himself .... you cant that spotlight piece was once in a lifetime...

Fuck @CodyMcClureCFB
—- Everyone

That 63 team was amazing, it held off Cincinnati who was going for its 3rd straight title... BUT heres something I just learned today.... Loyola, blew out Duke in the final four semi..... HOWEVER, a Duke player was STILL named Final four MVP.. what the bloody fuck?

Albert usually your stuff is good, great even. I gotta say you straying into 1989 is a huge Mistake.. Ok I GET your opinion on Do the Right Thing. But even with Driving Miss Daisy OUT of the race, they could’ve EASILY nominated a couple better films.. 1989 is probably the best overall year for film in my lifetime.....

More like banshees than geese

Thanks Nick, My wife is one of the “”farmers”” Undergrad, Masters & DVM, and we know from where we sit, is they sure don’t talk shit when they go to her office to have her fix their beasts

The problem with what you are saying is he already TRIED the XFL and it failed.. So he was proved wrong.

Thank god, a video where a white cop shoots but a black man only dies figuratively 

This might be the only Browns Parade in my Lifetime... is probably the most saddest......

I gotta ask. Every link in every post has failed to play... what the heck is going on?

Living in Oblivion was the best Catherine Keener film, Smoochy was next

The Doug Jones Video is just what the country needed.