Read the headline and assumed it was going to be one of his Letterman performances.
Read the headline and assumed it was going to be one of his Letterman performances.
I’m from North Carolina. It’s still a racist flag.
Politics has nothing to do with hating hearing about Tebow, or hating that Tebow gets a free ride to suck ass at baseball, taking roster spots from countless other minor league actual-baseball-players just so whatever franchise can sell some jerseys and tickets to Tebow sheep.
So my hot-take on this: this is the beginning of the end for Trump as a GOP nominee, he continues to slip in the polls, Carson over takes him. Whether Carson ultimately get the nomination is besides the point, the point is, Trump gets unseated in this race. HOWEVER, rather than give up, in true Trump fashion, he…
Your not necessarily wrong Greg, but neither is Spike. I can’t stand Spike Lee for many reasons, but asking us to stop killing each other and asking law enforcement to stop killing us aren’t mutually exclusive. Yes people know that hundreds of kids in Chicago are being gunned down by gang violence. Yes that’s the…
It’s not a joke. Our Twitter replies are full of gun nuts demanding to know when Obama will force background checks on cars.
As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.
Dude you are a Hero! I didn’t even know this existed as a thing on the net, I should’ve known that everything has been put on You Tube by now, “bless her heart, shes exhausted” (2:20) is the actual quote (thanks for that)....WOW still the most verne lundquistiest thing ever
Your daughter gets it. And she is like 20 years younger than these stains on humanity.
Also per the recent supreme court decision the owners must get gay married.
As a product of an NC high school, I feel your pain and have had similar thoughts. But some of them post funny videos, so I keep those folks around.
I thought this one was pretty good.
What the shit???? When I was a kid, my parents made me go to several classmates’ parties that I didn’t want to go to. They also made me invite people I didn’t want to invite to my parties because they didn’t want kids left out. I strongly believe this taught me a valuable lesson about including people and doing the…
I still have regrets about turning down an invitation to the weird kid’s 9th birthday party. No one went. I felt guilty about it the next monday morning and still do to this day. That shit stays with you.
When I was 8 I insisted on inviting the boy from my class (who had behavioural problems, due to a poor family life) to my birthday party. Other parents took my mum aside to ask her ‘if she was sure’. My mum was worried and checked with my, and apparently I replied that I knew he didn’t get invited to parties a lot,…
Mom burns are the best burns:
Why, once I was chatting with my own dear mother - okay, complaining bitterly about this and that. I exclaimed "Why didn't you just strangle me at birth?" "Well, I always assumed that eventually somebody else would do it for me," she replied.
Mom “Mike Drop” for the win.
My reaction to this gif was the same as his reaction to the woman.
This sick mom burn is excellent.