I’m a strong supporter of campaign finance reform, but that’s not going to cut down on lobbying because campaign funds aren’t the only way in which lobbyists impact outcomes on CapHill with large amounts of money.
I’m a strong supporter of campaign finance reform, but that’s not going to cut down on lobbying because campaign funds aren’t the only way in which lobbyists impact outcomes on CapHill with large amounts of money.
I’m in the process of listening to the audiobook version (2o+ hours...ugh). Isaacson is a good writer, and even in the first couple of chapters lays out some rather shocking stuff rather objectively. It’s like, “here’s some really bonkers thing that happened. I’ll leave it up to you to decide how that affects a…
I think some people might take the lesson from this that being successful at business and engineering often comes from someone who thinks differently from other people and breaks social norms.
I would take Haley over Trump any day. And honestly, if she somehow beats him in the primary, I don't think there's any way on earth Biden beats her in the general. It's all very scary
I heard a spokesperson for the DoD say this policy isn’t just for abortion. The military will pay travel expenses for military members who have to travel for ANY medical care when it isn’t available locally. This is consistent with existing policy
Also clearly 40K nerds
So, not only did he attempt to kill her, which should be enough to inspire outrage, he also fucked with her career/season.
You want to point to a politician who stands for absolutely nothing, who will say exactly what that particular audience wants to hear that moment and will turn around and say the exact opposite to another crowd just one hour later, Haley is the choice.
Nothing says “strong future president” like someone who can’t read the room, gives the weakest of pushback to the far-right before ultimately capitulating, and insists that the DoD and the military are the ones who are ultimately wrong here. I wonder what goes through her head, other than nothing.
Tommy Tuberville: Not understanding what defense actually does since 1998
Yes. Let’s put all Dept of Defense policies up for a congressional vote. Every time they want to implement a policy or procedure, every single time, they will have to wait for someone in congress to draft legislation, pass it in the House or Senate, reconcile the bill in the other house, then put it up for a vote,…
Still going with the ‘heave a bucket of shit at the wall and hope something sticks.’ tactical approach still, Nikki?
Both of them were very obviously the sort of kids who thought that because they liked “alternative” music and read sci-fi that somehow they were better and smarter than all the “normie” kids.
Why is it, the right wing media treats Nick Cannon like he’s singlehandedly destroying the American nuclear family; while Musk is celebrated as a hero restoring human civilization? I wonder what the difference is. Hmmm, what could it be?
Oh gawd, I hope it’s not a 40k reference. And if it is, I’m disappointed. There’s about 1,276 cooler names in 40k before you get to “Mechanicus”. I guess we can add that to sci-fi adjacent things he thinks he knows something about but doesn’t.
Neither Grimes nor Musk are American. America is guilty of many things but I’m not taking the fall for this travesty.
Also...nothing about Grimes screams “smart.”
Musk seems to have a lot of problems he wants to fix, but seems to put hardly any of his acquired wealth into fixing any of them
“He really wants smart people to have kids...”
I don’t know if I’d say she’s not at the front of Republican hate. Her husband was assaulted only last year and look at all the bullshit that happened around that.