Calli Arcale

Yikes. Yeah, I can sympathize with trying to make people aware of the dangers of protest voting. Do that in the primary, sure. That’s a great time to let the party know they aren’t listening to their key demographics. But at the first Tuesday in November, the stakes are way too high to let your vote be nothing more

Well, he founded SpaceX in 2002 and bought his way into Tesla in 2004, so it’s kind of the other way around, actually.

Nah, I bet he’s goosing the stock price. Lots of companies do that; it’s an old trick from the Jack Welch School of Business. That’s not a joke or a metaphor; it literally is. It’s what made General Electric’s stock soar like 4,000% percent. It’s not long-term sustainable; GE eventually collapsed to a more realistic

I can totally understand that. Cars are expensive. I drive mine until they’re falling apart.

Tesla has defied expectations for a long time.”

I do like to hear some of the pithier ones, though, like the one about the blisters. :-)

We elected one of the worst people on the planet to be POTUS simply because prices were too high.”

That’s because it happened a couple of thousand miles away. The most they were touched by it was having loved ones go off to fight and maybe having to not eat as much sugar and butter for a while. Oh, and Pearl Harbor. That’s it. That’s light years distance away from the godforsaken nightmare that Europe endured,

Well, that’s something I didn’t need to remember.

Maybe they were able to argue that since the *state* still calls it Denali, that wins.

Considering the rank of the fellow they found is “private first class”, I’m curious how long it took them to find someone they deemed suitable.

That lasted pretty much until their IPO, and that’s not coincidence.

Technically speaking, there is no official body that really and truly is the final authority on naming international geographic regions, and countries can call them whatever they want. So yes, the US can call it one thing and Mexico and Cuba can call it something else. It’s stupid to call it something different in an

Not just the US and Mexico. Cuba has territorial waters within the gulf.

Pommes frites is really just short for pommes de terres frites. Somewhere along the way, people got tired of saying the whole thing and, as often happens with language, it got truncated. As is happening in English, it’s starting to truncate further, to just frites (fries).

Just to digress for a moment — but Costco actually earned a modicum of respect from me for being one of the few companies to announce that its DEI office isn’t going anywhere.

Trump himself doesn’t think as far as any of the conspiracy mongering. All he cares is whether anything or anyone has offended him personally. All of this is 100% personal for him. The windmills? It’s because they ruined the view at his golf course in Scotland, and when he tried to get them stopped, the locals

That’s understandable.

I am not surprised the number isn’t higher. Very, very few studies recruit female subjects unless the topic of the trial is explicitly relevant to females and not males. It’s a serious problem.

It wouldn’t be entirely a lie, either. It was the Trump administration that refocused NASA directly on the Moon after the Obama administration redirected it away from Moon-then-Mars to maybe-asteroid. And now it’s being redirected subtly towards not-Moon-instead-Mars, and it’s almost certainly because of the personal