Calli Arcale

Ah darn! Sometimes it’s hard for me to tell the difference between exaggeration and seriousness. :)

The only problem I have is he can’t park for crap and takes up 4 spaces in the morning.

Yeah, and that trucker isn’t towing a trailer smaller than the living space behind the cab. Both are joke images.

I’m the farthest thing from a police apologist but...

I attended one of these “educate the public about police use of force” things a few years ago. Many of the other people there bought into it and were like “ah, yes, I see why you totally have to shoot people in a situation like this.” What those people were missing was the fact that the “situation like this” was an

It was a typo. It was supposed to be “people will try to tow a fifth wheel trailer with a Subaru JuSTI at 70mph.”

I think it’s hyperbole Dave

Isn’t this why Tazers were invented?

*Starts simulation*

I mean, did you even watch that video?

I’ve been in Europe in the Summer. The French would tow the Queen Mary behind a 2CV. This particular picture is from the Netherlands I understand, but I’ve seen similar things.

I’d make a joke about their shooting simulator being called FATS, but I don’t go for the low-hanging donut.

Look at the books little Tammy is holding - way past her reading level.

Attempted murder over a $2.50 fare

I’m not saying we could or should just replace all urban vehicles with mini cars today, it’s too late for that because a lot of people who live in major cities DO need freeway access. But we wouldn’t need as many freeway lanes or giant cars as we have today if America hadn’t allowed the destruction of public transit

Can’t wait until they bring the simulator to the public, and the public overwhelmingly looks the other way and ignores the people evading fare. When the choices are “let someone jump the turnstiles” or “open fire in a crowded, confined space,” the answer is obvious to everyone except the goddamn police.

We also have 6000 lb SUVs traveling at 60 MPH on 6 lane roadways in front of local suburban shopping centers. The mass exitance of local shopping centers with high speed, multi-lane roads between them really messes with us. 

Because Americans, like Alton Brown, hate unitaskers. Most people should be using mini cars in places they make sense like dense urban areas, and renting a pickup from Home Depot for $25 for the 75 minutes they actually need them every other year. We should also be building out robust public transportation on the

that being said, i’m kind of in awe of the outcome. its surprising to see at least 3 complete strangers (driver, dispatch, officer on scene) work a dire problem under a known constraint with all outcomes but one being very bad and achieve what i perceive to be the optimal outcome.