Calli Arcale

This looks more like an attempt to drive a Lada off a roof and less an attempt to jump a gap.  If the former, this video is a huge success!

No helmet, no cage... what the actual f**k?

Well apparently it was relayed by his attorney, so it was definitely made with legal counsel’s advice. It also identifies him as her now ex husband. However, while it could be relevant to motion practice regarding modification of the terms of any custody agreement, they wouldn’t need a statement like this as the

Right. From a features and benefits point of view, financial value isn’t always there for someone choosing a vehicle based on their needs and comparing an EV to an ICE.  

Was this irony?Cause honestly I can’t tell any more

I’ve worked in a private school where I’ve been told by the Deputy Principal that the school will be giving 2 students (Year 8: 12-13 year old in their first year and first semester of high school) to whom I had awarded a fail grade, a passing “D” grade...

And the hunting lobby fiercely opposes predator reintroductions, as well as championing culls of existing predator populations, in order to preserve the overpopulation to make hunting easy enough for them. It is all part of the same cycle.

Both of these things popped into my head (and I’m a woman). Also a concern for women: Will my kids’ car seats fit in this car? Those things can be huge, and it’s a pain to maneuver a kid in and out the seat in a small car. To my knowledge, there isn’t an electric minivan yet.

Haaaaa. I know of real human men who have escaped to Florida to avoid paying child support in other states. Suffice it to say I don’t think Desantis has any intention of following through with this nonsense. ….Unless it’s to increase the for-profit prison census. I forgot to follow the money in my critical analysis of

This is just lip service. He’d never sign a bill that made this happen. 

I like to think every DeSantis report should end like:

So, are they planning to back date support? Because, a little hard to do a paternity test on a fetus.

And how will this be enforced? I am 47 - and my deadbeat dad STILL owes my mother back child support.

A marketing professor, to whom I was once related by marriage, taught me that there are two ways to sell something to a customer: “Features and benefits,” and “Who do you want to be?” And here we have it in this story.

If 18 years of child support isn’t enough to scare men, I don’t think 18 years and 9 months will be any more effective.

This is such a tricky subject. On the one hand I don’t want them to recognize a few cells as a person. On the other hand I want men to be scared shitless that a one night stand might mean more than 18 years of child support.

Those fuckers think everything and everyone is out to get them, don’t they?

Back then, we were taught that the fastest, strongest and most successful animals are the ones that survive to adulthood and pass on their genes.” you were taught wrong. The best adapted to their environment pass on their genes as population and sometimes that is not the biggest fastest or strongest.

Not for nothing, Women still make on average 82% of what men make in terms of income. It’s not terribly surprising that women might, on average, be more price conscious.