Calli Arcale

There’s an XKCD for that:

Reminds me of when my aunt got back from a vacation. She’d left her car in the airport parking long-term parking lot. When she returned two weeks later, it was in the impound lot because they’d resurfaced the lot. They gave people two days’ notice to clear out their cars. From the long-term parking lot at the airport.

That absolutely happens, where some rando recognizes some easy marks, pretends they are in charge, and starts accepting payment for a lot they have absolutely no responsibility for, then makes themselves scarce before anyone figures out it’s a scam (and certainly before the tow trucks start showing up).

I get what the advisory was intended for. It wasn’t saving Santorini for the tourists. It was saving Santorini residents *from* the tourists. Like warning people to stay indoors because there’s a hailstorm predicted.

He’s mainly terminally online in the social media sense -- and doesn’t even have the staying power to do anything more than reposting other people’s stuff or making extremely brief replies with minimal content.

50 yard line?  I think he started inches from the end zone.

Not a fan of either, and honestly, no matter which one of them technically wins the fight, isn’t the real winner the audience? :-)

Oh god, tell me about it. My back’s been bad ever since I slipped on the ice years ago and sprained it (it was a gorgeous winter night, and I went out to toss something else in the trash bin, and was looking up at the stars and didn’t notice the patch of ice until suddenly I was on my back — stupid, really). Two days

Oh yeah. This was years ago now, before the pandemic.  My daughter got a little whiplash that resolved after a couple of days of muscle relaxants.  Meanwhile, my back had been all sorts of messed up, and it actually felt *better* afterwards.  :-D  (Note: I do not recommend getting rear-ended as a sort of amateur

And it’s time to bring out the story about my grandma. :-)

“That would be something like someone just rear-ending you when you are at a stop light.”

Most CEOs do this, but way more subtly, and it takes a few decades before the house of cards ultimately collapses. By which time they’ve squirreled away plenty of loot for themselves and they make off like bandits with their golden parachutes. He’s crude and obvious and super ego-driven, so he keeps his companies

Not exactly the same thing, but there’s a vacant Sears in Burnsville, right by the I-35E/I-35W split. It looked very tragic until about the last year. The parking lot is constantly SLAMMED. Or so it seems, until you realize that oddly, the cars are only near the boarded-up entrances, not by the parts of Burnsville

Let’s just emphasize: couldn’t rebuild a country that was already the wealthiest one in the world by a substantial margin.

Well, the problem is that with cybersecurity intrusions, protecting the data inside a particular computer is only half the battle. The bank vault analogy only gets us so far, because the computer isn’t just a vault — it is also the key to accessing many other vaults. Allow one compromised machine to access the

However, could the pivot to EVs bring an end to this genre of car builds without proper backing from automakers?”

That’s adorable.  :-)

I am actually picturing him stalling the car immediately.

My grandmother was terrifying as a driver in her old age. But that wasn’t due to age. She was always a terrifying driver. Never once got a speeding ticket, either. She did get pulled over multiple times, but evidently had an incredibly high charisma stat, plus multiple charisma buffs.

Given his evident BMI, he might float reasonably well, so if he doesn’t know how to swim yet, it seems like now is a good time for him to learn.  Good fitness for the elderly, after all.