Calli Arcale

Some people do indeed buy Lambos and Ferraris etc. because they admire the history and engineering and so forth.  But I’ll venture to guess that most are buying them to send a message that they can afford to buy them.

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Boosting it to a higher orbit (say, 500km) will actually take less energy than deorbiting it. They aren’t proposing boosting it to, say, geosynchronous orbit or beyond, as that would put it beyond the reach of extant spacecraft and make it essentially useless. It would only delay the inevitable, though; it would still

I get their frustration. I don’t like the idea of it being deorbited in 2030 either, and it does feel wasteful. But here’s the thing: keeping it up is very, very, very expensive, and will become more expensive as time goes on. Parts are failing. It’s leaking more and more (although still at a very managable rate, and

Which, of course, you can do for less than a third of what Tesla’s charging. This $300 Cybertruck pad is meaningfully worse than the competition, yet meaningfully more expensive — what’s the sales pitch here?”

Insensitive?  Are you suggesting Trump is a traitor?  A seditionist?  A Confederate?  A racist?  Or what?

Which is great. I was just thinking expanding that to gas vehicles too wouldn’t be bad if the goal was to boost the American auto industry as a whole rather than to boost the American EV industry specifically.  But of course it isn’t; it’s just to widdle all over environmentalism, even if it means widdling on his own

10,000% agreed. This has nothing whatsoever to do with anything good for business, the economy, the taxpayer or anything. It’s just to own the libs, really. Which is so ridiculously childish.

Gas cars really don’t need a subsidy to encourage their adoption. Now, I could sorta see if he wanted to boost American manufacturing, creating incentives for American-made cars. And not just final assembly. The manufacturers have gotten pretty good at gaming the system by having just final assembly done in country,

That just makes it much, much, much, MUCH stupider.

Yep. Our only hope now is Congress, which is about as effective as a screen door on a submarine.

They do have those, actually, and at the jetbridge, they don’t even have to run them off the truck’s engine — they can run them off of ground power. They don’t just blow air through the doorway, though, which would only realistically cool the first few rows around the doorway. They hook into the aircraft’s ventilation

It should be entirely possible to put a grating across the edges to align with the gutters at the curb, thus maintaining the drainage without interrupting the grade for wheelchair users.

Some of us are new to the subject.  :-)

Thank you, that was a very interesting overview of the different kinds of speed humps and their kindred.  I wish there were some of those in my neighborhood; I get some real speed demons tearing up the streets around my house, and it can be alarming.  Mind you, another consideration is winter snow removal --

*sheepishly also raises hand*

Ewwww!!!!  Wow.  That is astoundingly bad.  It’s just another reason SpaceX has such a shockingly high turnover rate.  By all accounts, it’s a horrible place to work.

He’s got a lot in common with Donald Trump in that regard.

Oh god, going to Airbus on the Pegasus fiasco *now* after the unholy and ungodly mess that it’s been for an insanely long time? No, I don’t think the USAF is going to go down that road. It’s already been litigated to hell and back several times, to the point where “sunk cost fallacy” doesn’t even begin to describe it.

Good advice, although it’s worth remembering that there’s really no limit to the amount that financial conditions can change.