
Sounds like a bit of an improvement from one of my favorite Clarkson stories about the state of UK auto manufacturing around that time where the workers “occasionally decided to slap a car together when they were tired of warming their hands over a barrel fire”.  The quote’s probably off a little but a favorite

Thank you for not living there and leaving more room for my family & I who love the weather, beaches parks & outdoors.  

“I’d slap you all in the teeth first chance I got.”

Action works, no wonder Spanfeller has his toupe in a twist. Farmers Insurance pulled out of their agreement with G/O after all our feedback and the posts that G/O Management pulled down about the autoplaying ads.

It’s truly a large shift personally for a lot of people here if this goes how we’re all anticipating. I’ve been here since they used to cover Stadium Sex ~2010~ when I was a sophomore in college. I was immature as all hell back then (c’mon, it’s college) and so was the site, but the arc Deadspin has grown up on and it Spanfellers long-con to get the all the commenters to move to Tempe?

Well boys & girls, it looks like we’re in the endgame now.

ffffff...Apparently Barry just got fired over this.

Nope, not a cult at all.

This is some well timed sports sticking! Go Ray!

Deadspin does too much traffic to get Splintered. The brilliant executives wouldn’t kill a blog like Deadspin. That’d be like killing your politics blog during a heated election cycle.

This is a bad take. The Cubs bandwagon is can’t hold a candle to how shitty Boston and their fans are.

I don’t mind Joe Buck at all.  Out of the booth he seems a pretty fun guy, but in the booth he does his job and does it well.  He says it best about the people who bitch he’s too low energy, he’s a national sports broadcaster, he can’t choose sides, and the people bitching are the people upset he hasn’t sided with

Fiery Take: The Beatles cultural & musical contributions are vastly overrated.  

Yu has been on fire lately on twitter. I had to screenshot this and save it for a much needed laugh.

I’m glad Porsche got their headgaskets correct ..... but completely missed the IMS bearing.

My EJ25 in my 2009 WRX (RIP skinny Sub) is the reason I refuse to move-on or upgrade my car (it only has 57,000 on it).  That...and the styling of the latest WRXs look like angry Civics.  

Even more depressing, assuming he either loses or his removed from office, he’ll still be holding MAGA rallies to feel validated and to drive the next administration crazy.  

We live in Long Beach, CA. literally on the GP track downtown (turn 8 to be precise).  When the crowd control fences go up the Thursday before race weekend, my neighbors do exactly this and laugh all the way to the bank.  Everybody still there has a blast of a weekend.  It’s a feature, not a bug.

The Superbowl will outdraw the race, shut down surround roads, slam the area traffic. But that’s cool I guess.