Call Me Murphy

The first episode is Baker v. Carr. I like the RadioLab guys, and also kind of know a lot of the people they tapped for the show. The problem I have with it is, at least not in the first episode, there isn’t much law in it. It’s more a story about personalities.

I’m never gonna pick up NMS, it’s not my speed at all. But, “very very large” is probably operationally equivalent to “infinite.” That being said, I never played Borderlands for it’s “bazillion guns.” I played it for its cool ones.

There are some nice thoughts, if obvious ones, in this little post. But, the fact remains that all the influence-peddling that might be happening in the Clinton Foundation would just move to another, almost assuredly less transparent, source. That’s the current world we live in. You can easily start an organization

But, this is exactly the situation without the Clinton Foundation. All the same exact people have to do is start their own Super PAC and do exactly the same exact thing. We might love or hate Citizens United, but it is the law of the land. Singling out the Clinton Foundation as a means for influence peddling is silly

[shrug] if they are going to be forgotten b/c people choose to and want to forget them, then that’s an aesthetic judgment. You have to choose to actually engage with that. Otherwise, the proper response is good riddance to bad rubbish.

Yeah, but compare it to Mad Max Fury Road ...

John, this is silly. Like, you’re not saying anything. You don’t need to defend their “existence.” They exist. Like, that’s a fact.

The lack of really unique ship designs (or designs in general ...) in Ep 7 was a big missed opportunity.

And, the original story was already pretty thin and weak to begin with. As the preview shows, what they basically have is some neat visuals. Which are, granted, neat. And, then ... a bunch of talking about nonsense?

Did he question Bucky at all, though? Or, just send him on a rampage? I can’t recall offhand. EDIT: apparently Bucky had some info that Zemo needed to get the footage(?) Although he could have had the same punch by showing Iron Man the docs he had. It would have been less cinematic, to be sure, but Tony can, in fact,

“And a man who comes of age on porn will also have no clue how to actually please a woman, because these actresses fake orgasm over the most ridiculous moves/positions.”

I think I mean the guy below him? The one with the hood and skull face mask (or whatever it’s supposed to be) and the giant blue spikes. If it is Tassadar, he’s definitely gotten a wardrobe upgrade.

My Blizzard-fu is weak: who is the hulking dude with the blue crystals on the left hand side in the 5th pic?

Begins is my favorite. I liked how it felt like a real city — i.e., not a big movie set — but also had some bizarre flourishes, like the Narrows. It’s a fantasy, heightened version of actual places. NYC doesn’t actually have gargoyles every 10 feet. It’s more like every 16 ...

How? Why? It’s like somehow moving it 20 or 50 miles closer should make a difference? In your version of the hypothetical DC Universe, Superman doesn’t impact Gotham b/c people don’t have television there? He’s just as capable of seeing, flying, and affecting that town whether it’s 5 or 50 or 100 miles away. It makes

Would it matter, though? You’re talking about a character that can fly at mach whatever and can see that your driver’s license needs to be renewed from space. This is always kind of an issue with Superman, but whether Gotham is 5 miles or 60 miles or 300 miles from Metropolis is all pretty much operationally

I guess I’m trying to figure out where this sentiment comes from. I mean, I thought the DNC was rather transparent that they wouldn’t be entirely neutral in the primary, the existence of Super Delegates is a gigantic signal to that effect. And, a veteran politician like Bernie Sanders knows that the scales will be

Sadly, this was my gut reaction as well. There have been huge homebrew D&D communities online for at least the past 10 years. Unless WotC is going to devote the time and effort to curating and guiding the homebrew, I fail to see what the improvement is. And, it’s not like those communities are hard to find: Reddit,

As a roll20 afficionado who uses it to keep in touch with old friends and do all sorts of stuff like that, I’m happy to see that it gets this kind of exposure. For what it’s worth, I tend to approach roll20 with a fairly light hand. I use tokens a lot, but I rarely draw elaborate maps and the like. I never drew that

roll20 also has a forum dedicated to it. It’s a bit hit or miss, people just sign up for games, but after a while you’ll find a group you can settle into.