Call Me Murphy

That is entirely possible and likely. I mean, I think I said I couldn’t speak for the entire internet. Although I think I’d question (a). The MCU has taken myriad liberties with the characters, it’s just they’ve tended to come up with better reads of them. Or simply made better films. Although they have a much bigger

Maybe. Probably. I don’t know, MoS didn’t seem really off to me, and I’m more than passingly familiar with the character. I guess what I’m driving at here is this, which others have said in these comments probably more eloquently than I will. There are lots of changes to these characters that have been made. It’s not

I don’t want to defend the movies. I didn’t even see BvS, so that tells you how I feel about them. Although there were some things in Man of Steel I did actually like. But, here’s the counter-argument to what you’re saying. BvS is clearly taking its cues from Dark Knight Returns. Now, I happen to think DKR is pretty

Yes and no. What I’m sick of, and I’m no DC apologist, is all the half-baked arguments that the recent movies have been bad, not b/c they are bad movies, but b/c they miss some ineffable part of the characters, which can usually be summed up as “the parts of the characters I like and have been represented in some