Call Me Murphy

Counterpoint: I don’t think there’s ever been a good Superman movie.

Frankly, Superman seems to mean a lot of weird things to a lot of people. Most people, and this isn’t necessarily you, but most people, seem to think “Superman” means “Superman as depicted in the Reeve/Donner films.” This character has been reimagined and reinterpreted numerous times over the generations.

The demon of Call Me Murphy’s poor recollection and lack of coffee.

“Pa Kent questions if Clark should save buses of children ...”

Proceeding on the optimistic assumption that the flick even gets made, would it be entirely crazy for them to dispense with Billy altogether? I know a lot of people love him, but Black Adam is a stronger character, and you’ve got the Rock lined up for him already. He’s bound to overshadow the nominal hero as it is.

These are fair critiques. And, ones I share. I just want to get that out of the way right now: characters and pacing in R1 were bad.

There’s a lot of variation in this one. A big part for me, with walkthroughs, etc., is that games are often pretty terrible at conveying basic “this is how you play me” or “here are what the mechanics are” information. Which drives me pretty nuts.

Again, you just like saying things that sound good. Which, granted, this is the internet. But, just think about it for more than 8 seconds. She’s “not courting moderates” but instead “actively campaigning to partisan Republicans” because “liberals weren’t going to just vote for her by default.”

Local politics, most likely. State level, or even county level.

I hesitate to jump into this like ... at all. But, generally courting moderates is a very good strategy to win elections. “Courting liberals,” if you’re the Democratic nominee, is usually a waste of time and effort. Why would you bother? They should already massively prefer you to the GOP nominee (e.g., Mike

“Maybe I am a monster, but at the end, I only felt bad for K-2S0.”

That’s a fair criticism, and one I heartily agree with. But, it doesn’t support your conclusion. That is, you go from “unengaging characters” to “shell of a Star Wars movie.” You need more connective tissue than that. Although I think the truth is that it’s not as good as some of the best EU stuff.

You have received several critical comments. And, unfortunately I am going to pile on.

People on the internet can maybe organize and consider how to steer their own society and think critically about it.

Can I raise a point/question about the deplorables thing? Obviously Trump has gotten substantially more supporters since HRC uttered that line. But, here are my thoughts. It’s certainly not the case that all Trump supporters are [insert epithet here]. But, 2 “buts.”

Apparently not. Or, it varies wildly by state. There are numerous studies and judicial findings to this effect. I don’t claim to understand the causes, but the state of the world — that thousands of people do not have these IDs — is not in dispute.

I believe one of the court cases in Texas has detailed judicial findings to this effect. There are apparently large numbers of people who lack, or find it difficult to acquire, the relevant ID. They number at least in the thousands.

They demonstrated their hatred of politicians by reelecting nearly every incumbent that was on the ballot? That’s a strange way to go about it ...

This is a very reasonable comment. Except for one point. It tars the ... I guess the liberal side of things(?) with “name-calling, tirades of obscenities, and physical violence ...” Let us please not pretend that the GOP has been complete and total angels willing to entertain reasonable discussion, extending