Call Me Murphy

I’m assuming you’ve never played it? This game and overwatch are totally different animals.

Eh...As someone that played Battleborn when it launched and is currently obsessed with Overwatch I kind of disagree. Not that Overwatch is bad, it’s great, but it’s just a little too clean. Its designs are more in line with a Pixar movie. Battleborn has a little more style and pushes and exaggerates features of

Maybe they should blame Congress for the lack of hope & change, as they see it.

I think there is validity to both, without either detracting from another. Mark Hamill’s Joker is my favourite, for sure, but I also appreciate Ledger’s modern, murderous variant, just like I can also get behind Sid Cesar’s mustachio’d buffoon. A Joker for all seasons, as it were.

I don’t know you, but I’m so disappointed in you.

Anything is possible. I suppose they could make a goofy, kinda raunchy, R-rated movie about a superhero that most of the world has never heard of starring a guy that previously made a superhero movie that was a huge flop and it would beat a big studio movie with Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman in it, but that’s

Who is it that you think has been censoring your remarks on this topic until this point?

Delivering a “Maybe” verdict is cheating. You couldn’t even make it through a whole column without cheating. It’s official...Riley MacLeod is a cheating cheater.

Guessing he was going for some specific category of arch-enemy, e.g., “arch-enemy of a non-sci-fi historical intellectual protagonist known for wearing caps”.

That is the thing that annoys me about TFA...just straight up says “oh you killed the Emporer and Vader, doesn’t matter, none of it mattered, the New Order still has a reasonable chance of winning and the Republic is wiped out” . At least the EU created realistic scenarios for the New Republic and the mop up of the

Things I liked:

...except for every other race on the ballot in the states Trump won, it was straight incumbents, a return of the establishment to power.

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

It’s a real shame Mr. Diesel doesn’t get the attention and respect he deserves outside of the F&F franchise. IMO, his heart is totally in sci-fi/fantasy, and he’s not playing it up for geek cred... he genuinely loves this stuff. It’d be great to see him move beyond Riddick in the genre, and not just as a voice actor.

Yes, yes a million times yes. I recall when Obama was elected and the Republican Party decided immediately to work hand in hand with the duly elected President, and never worked to block anything of his in the past eight years. Liberals need to get their heads in the game and learn a thing or three from Republicans.

Most of that half has convinced themselves that either all of this is just being blown out of proportion (“He’ll never really build the wall, he isn’t serious, etc.”), or that it’s worth it for the imaginary political revolution they think is going to happen.

You’re not necessarily a racist or bigot for voting for Trump.

Bullshit. It’s the same strategy the right used, and it worked for them. They refused to negotiate, compromise or be reasonable, and they fed their base a steady diet of outrage. Most days they couldn’t bring themselves to say a single nice thing about a liberal. They treated us like shit for 8 years, and it fired up

I’m pretty much a socialist and even I wasn’t crazy about his platform. I appreciated the issues he was bringing up, but he didn’t convince me he had any solutions for them. tbh, though, it was a moot point - I was never not going to vote for Hillary.

I love when the Post publishes absolute gibberish. If the voters reject him, he is not a “hugely popular candidate.”