
The story is a complete mess now. It went from telling a compelling story to filming a episodic trope show, like so many other good starts that go off course. I watch for Jodie Comer, but that’s now been marginalized by the ludicrous plot turn of a partnership. (She’s been brilliant, but her American Girl accent IS

Lost in all the feuding over the last episode, the final scene between Jaime and Tyrion was GoT at its best. That is what a powerful scene feels like when it’s been earned.

Now that King’s Landing has been destroyed, perhaps one way to actually ‘break the wheel’ would be to rotate the seat of power between each kingdom, like with the European Commission presidency or what some people suggest doing in the UK while they repair the Houses of Parliament (or per se).

Let’s all just be happy for Drogon.

I wish the show’s creator were still the showrunner. This season feels like a different show entirely, unspooling all that delicious sexual tension that made the series so much fun. And for what? To watch these interesting characters snipe at each other in a coffee shop? No, they ought to have been separated all

I feel like this show is doing a dead-on parody of itself now. Like, there’s a white board in the writer’s room and whoever comes up with the best Carolyn non sequitur wins (this week it was “Why always eggs?”) and how long before Carolyn sky dives into a meeting with Eve. They are piling on the quirks like mad.

Well said.

The “cleganebowl”, to me, wasn’t awesome, but it was much better: beautifully melancholy. It did really seem like two children brawling over some toy. And Sandor killing himself just to kill his brother was a nice finishing touch to an arc that was always very sad.

Oof. Jaime is also my favorite character, and I wish I had found his end as satisfying as you did. I was deeply irritated that Euron - the most boring character the show has ever produced, with no connection at all to Jaime in any meaningful sense - had any kind of input on the proceedings. And his returning to

Yes, this. I understand the gripes about the undoing of his character arc, but at the same time YES to what you said.

Did anyone else notice one thing? Remember the vision? Dany entering the abandoned Iron Throne with ‘snow’ falling? That wasn’t snow, it was ash! 

It helps if you’ve got a good cover story, like, say, two agents in the DC suburbs back in the ‘80s.

For me everything went to shit in episode 3. What a stupid, anticlimactic way to end the threat from the Night King/White Walkers. At least there was foreshadowing for Dany going ‘Mad Queen.’ The Night King went out like a bitch after being built up as the ultimate villain for 7 seasons.

Sansa Stark ends up with the throne.

Cersei has been off the deep end with no possibility of return since Tommen took his jump.

Wife: How was the episode?

The stoicism was always a poker face, and the world finally called her bluff.

Probably 8 minutes of brainstorming at the Chateau Marmot before they wrote it on a napkin. They overthought this. Tried too hard to be contrarian. Even if Mad Queen was always the ending, they could’ve built up to it in a more convincing way. She basically went from sweet, empathetic queen to genocidal maniac in

Guys, I’m starting to think that executing Missandei in front of Daenerys instead of holding her as a captive inside the Red Keep may not have been the smartest thing to do...

Technically we first met the Night King in the episode titled “Oathkeeper” in season 4. But he was just a mysterious baby converter back then.