
I’ve been hanging on to this show as a guilty pleasure, but I might have to jump ship. In a nutshell:

If this were just about the money, they’d never have to work a day in their lives. Look at Connor!

I have been screaming at the screen for Tom to hurt Shiv lo these many seasons, and never more than in season 3. He succeeded beyond my wildest dreams. Since she had zero investment in him emotionally, the only way for him to thoroughly destroy her was by torpedoing her career ambitions. That he did this while also

I’m wondering if the Roys, mirroring the Trumps/Murdochs, would end up suffering consequences even for manslaughter and cover-up. Ultimately they sailed through the cruise scandal. We seem to have arrived at the stage of no consequences for the wealthy.

Was anyone else a little surprised at the degree of Logan’s consternation and shock over a dick pic, which he later acknowledges is a term his company may have invented? I get that the double standard runs strong in Logan, to the point where he finds a May-Dec. between Gerry and his son disgusting, but not his own cons

This episode felt chilling and prophetic. All the GOP needs to seal the deal on fascism in America is a smarter, cooler, more superficially “palatable” Trump. I’m waiting in terror for the real-life Jeryd Mencken.

Waiting for the episode where he dumps Shiv’s ass hard.

I was gonna say: But can he rap???

Thank you for daring to say it’s bad writing. Because it is.

Shark-jumping moment for that character. Destroy Howard? Really? That’s just absurd.

Please don’t let them get married. There are only two ways Kim didn’t appear in Breaking Bad. Either she was long separated from Jimmy or she’s dead. Yes, they could separate through divorce, but I like the odds better (given the timeframe) if they split up now.

Well, I will voice an unpopular opinion here and say the whole episode felt like honoring a contractual obligation to Helena Bonham Carter, who had, as you point out, mostly disappeared from the series after the second episode. It was too much Margaret (and I say this as a huge HBC fan) at the expense of other

I’ve changed my mind a bit in ruminating about the series, and talking about it with friends, as the days wear on. I agree that that particular character should have been there.

Horsdal was amazing. I’d never heard of her prior to this series.

Was the letter from Charles to Windsor that was read aloud at the end even remotely accurate, historically?

Those who were left behind needed to be left behind, and new ones were introduced that would best bring the story to a satisfying conclusion. It was a brave, good decision. Maybe you’ll agree.

The shudders, indeed. And the character-building. How you can simultaneously love and hate Childan, Smith, Kido. The writing and acting were extraordinary.

My “best shows of all time” list: The Wire, Breaking Bad, The Sopranos, The Americans ... and I am tempted to add The Man in the High Castle. I don’t understand the charge of boring for the first season. I have loved it all along for the audacious storytelling, the complex characters and the stupendous acting. Season

And it really hit home with Shiv. 

That was GLORIOUS. (Comment intended for the finale. So watch it!)