Poor, poor girl. What a lousy day she picked to do this, eh?
No — McMaster is trying to prevent the international security-sharing apparatus from falling apart because he knows how important it is. He is trying to plug his finger in the dike.
Yes — certainly the Germans are
From your father’s lips to God’s — or the GOP’s — ears.
“Trump becomes a security risk for the entire western world” — I cannot think of a more frightening take-away from this article
Told ya
YUP — EXACTLY the way it would have happened.
“The President of the United States has the absolute right and responsibility to hire and fire the FBI Director.”
...or something you do that doesn’t count and is just for fun
She has an office in the West Wing right upstairs from the President of the United States, she’s her own character on Saturday Night Live, which means she’s become a cultural icon, she can still get on national TV whenever she wants — at least on Fox — and she pretty much has a “do whatever you want whenever you want”…
If we’re all very, very lucky, Trump will see this and she will be one of the first people who is gone in “the big shake-up” that is supposedly coming — whether she actually did it or not, if he sees this, she’s toast.
What Jerry Falwell said in introducing him is worse:
Do NOT be fooled — this is the first step to establishing a national Voter ID law to suppress the Democratic vote. The Trump Administration is going to find something, somehow, to “prove” there was massive voter fraud to get the Republican Congress to pass this. Trump can read polls — he knows that without massive…