
His signals are permanently set on “send,” and never on “receive”

Probably not a problem. Less publicity for you, more leaks for us. No one thinks they’re getting actual information out of those briefings anyway

1) Clapper didn’t say that. He said he didn’t know, because he wouldn’t have been “read into” the FBI investigation.

This stupidity, plus he repeated that idiotic claim during the Lester Holt interview that it is “difficult for a Republican to win in the Electoral College, which is stacked against the GOP,” simultaneously demeaning Hillary Clinton’s popular vote victory as being the “easier” one and reinforcing what an ignoramus he

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....maybe they wrote in a scene where he’s talking to his wife on the phone, voice played by Benedict Cumberbatch....?

Really? All of the exact same scenes but just with older actors? I haven’t been so disappointed since “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” which pretty much just recapped the original plot of the first Star Wars: evil, masked villain with deep voice; plucky hero/heroine stuck on desert planet; cute little droid that makes

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“Donald Trump is what a hobo imagines a rich man to be.....”

But he might be willing to do it for the sake of the Republic. And he owes the GOP nothing, obviously. So... maybe OK?

But we don’t know the story behind the production of Rosenstein’s memo — maybe Trump asked for an informal analysis of the issues and then— BLAM! — the next thing you know, Rosenstein sees his internal analysis released to the public as though it had always been intended to be a legal brief, and everything blamed on

My question is, how did Rosenstein agree to write the memo to begin with? What was he told it was for — internal analysis? did he not know it would be released to the public? How did he let himself be used like this?

“Pride goeth before...” and hubris and all — the Greeks had Trump’s number thousands of years ago.

Look at the relative body postures of the two men in this photo: Trump, hunched forward, about to leap out of his chair, desperate for approval and to convince; Holt, relaxed, in control. Tells you most of what you need to know right there.

Hillary Clinton is not Kellyanne Conway

Give Anderson someone else as transparently self-serving, hypocritical and simultaneously self-congratulatory and self-satisfied as Kellyanne Conway, regardless of gender, and I bet you’d still get eyeroll. It’s that weird combination that Ted Cruz also has: smarmy, full of himself, obvious bullshitter but who thinks

Probably. Annoying comes in all genders.

Kellyanne, Kellyanne, Kellyanne.

All I can think of is that the GOP on the Hill is currently doing the calculation of “If we do this sooner, we’ll mitigate the damage before the 2018 midterms and we’ll still have Pence so we’ll still get everything through and then we can run Pence as a man of integrity with clean hands who wasn’t really part of the

This is going to be a snooze: “General Flynn, did you ever....” “I take the 5th.” “General, when he.....did you.....” “I take the 5th”

Really. Stop thinking of him as stupid. This is giving him power and keeping people from taking all of this seriously

Stop. Stop saying they’re “stupid.” Stop laughing at them. That is the thing that is protecting them and keeping the entire country from seeing how dangerous all of this is