
Kellyanne, Kellyanne, Kellyanne.

I once investigated applying for health insurance with a company whose form literally asked me to list EVERY DOCTOR I HAD EVER BEEN TO — in writing.

It’s so embarrassing to watch, they have to know they’re a few Jude Laws short of a Justin Thoreaux but they act SO shocked by it. I thought they got rich so they could side step this?

Hey! I have an idea. Let’s just say we’re going to shoot all the illegal immigrants we catch! That should REALLY scare ‘em!

OK, so....

Who else knows? The Pentagon — THE PENTAGON! They’re planning for global warming catastrophes around the world, and the attendant population relocations and demographic dislocations: Don’t the Republicans believe the Pentagon? Aren’t they always praising “our

Yes, perhaps — “my life.” But my life isn’t actually the only one I worry about when I vote.

YES!!!! THIS!!! I’ve been emailing Jezebel asking where their article is.