
I had a drug-free birth, and since then have had a couple of long tattoos, and I definitely find the pain comparable. I found that reading a lot of positive natural birth stories (sounds very hippy - which I am not), and watching natural births, and just being very aware of what my body would be doing during labour

Probably because they are perceived as exotic, special, and “in” at a moment. Sometimes random things get picked up as “special” and often those things are pieces of our culture, our appearance, whatever.

Fun fact: 60% of white people have curly or wavy hair. The only ethnicity where the majority has straight hair is East Asian, and even then, it is not all of them. So like, yeah. It is just called “hair”.


Madonna is clearly trying to impersonate Vigo the Carpathian.

I can always spot someone of welsh decent by their hair. They usually have really thick curly hair. I look like I have mange because part of my hair is black and curly and then other parts is kinda reddish and straight.


I just read the intro, but this homebirthing stuff makes me see red. I live in a country where creepy midwives have dictated the home birth as the preferred option for women for decades, and only now is it starting to become a little bit accepted if you prefer to have your baby in the hospital. A couple of years ago

people gave a lot of shit to Gisele in our movie because she was talking about her homebirth and comparing it to surfing or whatever. She makes it sound so easy. But you know what? She kind of manifested that shit. She was so in the zone, honestly.

I don’t think this counts because I was working at a ‘summer camp’ type thing and I’ve personally never attended one, but I’ll list this anyway.

My sister and I both went to a pretty cool sleep away camp in North Carolina one summer. I was 9 or 10, so she was 12 or 13. She had gone before, but this was my first time. It was 6 weeks, and the camp was basically a whole mountain top. I loved it! I went on this 2 or 3 day hike/camping trip with a group, which I

Discovered that a fellow camper was my long-lost twin sister.

My mother (who very recently moved in with me) has told me that, about the time I am due home from work, my cats start to congregate in the living room. When I come through the door they come up to me, get petted and talked to, and they go back to whatever mysterious cat business keeps them occupied.

NOT SO. I have had 3 cats thus far. Two of them would run to the door to greet me when I came home. The other cat was deaf and couldn’t hear when I opened the door - so if I was away for me than a day he would SLEEP IN FRONT OF THE DOOR so he’d know the second I walked in and would then immediately cry to get picked

Within 10 minutes, she says she was told her sons needed to be life-flighted to Shriner’s Hospital in Texas, which has children’s facility that specializes in burns.”

The older boy is a red-head, too, which is why his burns were so much more severe than the younger boy’s. You didn’t include that the daycare workers were said to be teasing both boys because they were crying when their mother picked them up.

Why is your headline so snarky? Did you see the photos of their burns? They’re actually horrifying.

That is severe neglect. I hope this means they have lost their license and that no one involved will be in this business again.

Although it sounds like the result of some freaked-out parent being annoying, these sunburns are legitimately terrible.

Can I write the thinkpiece about you killing yourself over it?