
I went through a similar journey, Natasha. I always felt conflicted eating meat, given my love of animals. So I tried a few times to become a vegetarian but did it badly, resulting in failure. Then I made arbitrary rules like “I can’t eat it if it still looks like an animal” (think cornish game hens) or “I don’t eat

Seriously. This is one of those times when this gif has rarely felt more appropriate:

No, I simply have a different perspective. I am a special education teacher and spend my days with children who are in the process of realizing that other people are smarter than them.

agreed but also what an awful headline—not only hinting that the attractive/successful/and talented have no basis for depression & suicide, but also hinting that their suicides are somewhat more meaningful?

“Suicide is tragic enough, but it’s particularly bewildering when young people who appear to have it all take their own lives.”

then I’m totally going to see it

I swear to jebus, if this is just some marketing campaign for a goddamned Meryl Streep film.....


I guess one’s therapist might find this an easy way to assess the damage at hand?

Here’s what I don’t get. Ok you had permits. Ok you wanted to hunt with a bow. Ok you hired guides. But what in hell’s name did you think you were doing by going out in the middle of the night and luring the animal onto your side of the line? How the hell are you present for that and not even a little aware it is

so what you’re saying is that my tax money is being used to investigate the completely legal practice of organ/tissue donation?

People who kill animals for fun are fucking awful. Killing a majestic and endangered animal just for the thrill of it is sick. Fuck this guy and fuck all of these big game hunters and fuck anyone who kills an animal just for the thrill of it.

Hunting deer in season is one thing. Trophy hunting endangered animals is very much another. The douche deserves all the crap he’s getting.

I live 10 minutes from his office. People here are fucking PISSED.

This piece of shit is a poacher. This wasn’t a sanctioned hunt. He paid bribes to bag this lion. And he’s paid fines before for poaching. He doesn’t give A FUCK. How he hasn’t been jailed and why he was ever allowed to keep a trophy, I just don’t understand.

I bet his children are ashamed of their Disney villain piece of shit dad. I hope he knows that.

Three tweets about being totally fine that your ex is married and having a baby? Sporadic use of ALL CAPS?

You know, I think someone has to be first. I’m not saying Caitlyn Jenner is the first transgendered athlete or famous person or anything. But she’s been just about the most visible. She herself has acknowledged her privilege, and she is using it for good. I think she is doing a lot of positive stuff in terms of