
I do not understand people who fixate on gifts. I honestly do not even remember which of my friends did or did not give me a wedding gift. The whole time was a blur of busy-ness! The wedding, the honeymoon, the gifts, the thank you cards - and the gifts all came in waves at different times! I legit have no idea what

Open bars with cheapo alcohol, bikini waxes, bars where it’s too loud to actually talk to your friends. Basically, I’m 105.

FUCK this fucking lady. I heard this story on the radio this morning and it made me so mad I had to turn it off. Her lawyer was saying a.) you can’t just change the description of someone’s job and b.) you can’t make someone do something they find immoral. UM, FIRST OFF. I have had plenty of jobs where my job

Thank you!! :)

Yep! That is why I am all about adopting 1-2 year old dogs from the shelter. Our little guy came fully housebroken and knew basic commands, AND didn’t have to pee every 2 seconds! And I personally think he’s just as cute as a puppy. (FINE, I’M BIASED.)

Hi there! Can you recommend a book or two that you found most helpful? I’m pregnant right now with my first and am crazily overwhelmed by all of the different baby/kid books!

The Olsen twins look like 200 year old witches with a secret.

Oh, I can do you better than the bride’s mom wanting to hang at the bachelorette party - when I got married for the first time, my future mother in law showed up, at my bachelorette party in VEGAS, uninvited and with no notice. I was... not happy. My husband to be, who was also having his bachelor party in Vegas at

I feel like “the” shouldn’t be capitalized in By The Sea, the way it is in the title. I also feel like this should not be my main takeaway from a movie trailer. (PS This looks so BOOOOOORRRRINNNNGGGG.)

Yeah, he probably has genital wart older than she is. Laughed embarrassingly loud in the office when I read that haha.

Um, I would totally watch that rom com.

Oh honey. That poor, poor 20 year old child. RUN, GIRL.

Yup. Los Angeles in particular (where I live) CANNOT handle any reasonable quantity of rain. The streets flood, mudslides happen and god damned ceilings leak/collapse all over the place. The bedroom ceiling of an apartment I once lived in caved in entirely after a week of heavy rain about 10 years ago! Even if it’s

I was so confused when that trend started because I thought it was something new. I was like, wait, you mean stock? Like, the kind that grandma’s and great grandma’s have been making since always?

I don’t know if I’m freaked out about the price so much as HOLY FUCK, ASPARAGUS WATER??? WHY. Just, WHY? That sounds so, so, so deeply gross to me.

I’m sure it is, because I work freelance and do not have any maternity leave! I’ve been in my industry for 10 plus years but it doesn’t matter since we are non union and freelance. Thank GOD I leave in CA and there is the option of paid family leave and temporary disability that you can cobble together for 12 weeks of

I mentioned my friend, who is Indian, had a traditional Indian wedding. I mentioned 3 things from the wedding because it would be impossible to list ALL of them. And then I said if I replicated it (meaning the traditional Indian wedding) it would be silly. Because it would be silly for a white person to replicate a

There is a difference between you buying Levis and me as a white person trying to imitate an afro or wearing a Native American headdress. If you don’t agree or see the difference though, there’s probably no use in me trying to convince you though.

Yikes, maybe cool it with your anger issues? I’m sorry I think it would be slightly weird and awkward if I, as a white person, had a full on traditional Indian wedding. I must be so overly cautious and guilty!

I went to jr high with a large Ukrianian population and the hairstyles were GORGEOUS!