
This is a former governor and Fox television host. He’s not making some crazy rant on the internet. He is the Republican party. He is not a moron. He is a cruel, calculating man in a position of power.

I thought this guy was an idiot, but now i can’t help but think Huckabee is evil. A 10 year old rape victim. A child whose body is not fully grown being forced to maintain a pregnancy. There is no other word that fits men like this.

It’s not only cruel, it can be deadly. Ten year old children were never meant to carry a pregnancy. If it doesn’t kill, it can maim, including fistula and pelvic floor prolapse, which can cause permanent disability and render them unable to bear further babies. Not incidentally, it’s also deadlier for the baby and

His rationale for such a decision is two-fold Huckabee explained, it protects both fetus and mother: “There are two victims. One is the child; the other is that birth mother who often will go through extraordinary guilt years later when she begins to think through what happened — with the baby, with her.

I promise you that electric blue is mostly MAC’s Deep Truth. I’m sure there are other things thrown in there but I recognize Deep Truth the way a mother fur seal recognizes the call of her lost pup from an entire island away. I’d be willing to be there’s some Plumage worked around the outer corner, but Deep Truth.

I really like these:

ahaparenting (web site)

Parenting from the INside Out (this is a book by a psychiatrist and psychologist who look at parenting from both POV — really fascinating)

Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn (this is more about older kids, but the principles apply, and they’re used in aha parenting

also add in “destroy all your shit”

Shocker - a mom who makes lists, does Internet research, befriends and observes other mothers, and then applies what she’s learned on a daily basis is generally seen as a good mother. Just like you learn and excel at any other job.

It’s not that boring. Baby care aside, I’ve read like 40 books on my Kindle since going on maternity leave at the end of April. All the breastfeeding and’s a bookworm’s dream!

Women do this shit too. My friend had a baby recently. I told her it’s hard and frankly boring work. People say you will be rushed off your feet but really, you have a vast amount of time to sit around once you’ve done any chores. She was complaining to me that the baby didn’t do anything and how bored she is. I

I know diddly about babies, especially newborns, but I feel like they would be super boring until they became somewhat mobile. However, it’s my understanding that most SAH parents aren’t just sitting around gazing at their baby all day long. Why didn’t this guy have other things to do? I’m sure there was laundry or

he simply wants to thank his wife for being a good mother

I discovered this about puppies too. Eat, drink, poop, pee, five minutes of cuteness, sleep.

That explains this headline...

On a trip to Australia, a girlfriend and I landed in Sydney and through a mix-up, were dropped off at the wrong hotel. As it wasn’t too far, we decided to just schlep our luggage to the correct place. Three different groups asked us what happened and if we wanted to go for a drink (guys & girls). It was 830 in the


That’s the most adorable runaway story I’ve ever heard.

Um hellloooooo it’s look left, look right, look left again... aren’t children indoctrinated with this anymore?