
Oh, I totally understand the draw to appreciate and find beautiful all kinds of things from other cultures and ethnicities! But I would feel awkward as hell trying to imitate those things! Like, one of my close friends who is Indian just had the most amazing, stunning wedding I’ve ever seen, including a gorgeous

Oh how funny, my dad was of some Welsh descent! No one has ever tied his curly hair to the Welsh side of the family though! Interesting.

I mean, some people, Jewish and non Jewish, have really, really curly hair. I don’t know that there needs to be a name for it per se? My dad had a crazily thick head of hair, similar to Seth Rogan’s, that he did not know what to do with, to the point that he just basically got a buzzcut his whole life to avoid styling

I’m white and I will never, ever, ever, EVER understand the motivation of other white people who want to do stuff like this - imitate black hairstyles, wear headdresses, use the n word, etc. There is a BIG AND WIDE WORLD OUT THERE. What is the attraction to things that are not yours? And/or things that would cause

I am pregnant and live in LA and I feel like I am the only person in the world who does NOT want the most natural birth possible. I want to be in a hospital, not only that but a hospital that as a NICU. I also want to be treated by a doctor throughout my entire pregnancy, not a midwife, and I want to (most likely) get

This is really interesting to me too, especially because I’m currently pregnant with my first and thinking about (okay, dreading, slightly) the birth process. But I’m curious if it’ll be the same (or in the same ballpark) as my only other experience with pain - complicated and long tattoos. The longest I was tattooed

WHOA. A.) that kid was a monster and b.) you’re a total bad ass! A gator almost took my leg but got my steel toed boot instead? That’s like a line in an awesome old school country song.

I don’t know why you decided to all caps/bold yell at me about this, but I never once said that you have to be depressed to commit suicide, I just said suicide a.) rarely “makes sense” and b.) has zero to do with external and arbitrary things such as beauty or popularity.

Of course, I understand clickbait headlines make the w$rld go around, but booboos? When they had to be life flighted to a burn center? I mean, come on. Disappointed line mouth, big time. :|

Haha, yes. I give you my full blessing. God speed, many page clicks, etc. ;)

Love this response! I was a vegetarian for many years until I got sick with an autoimmune disease and now I feel much better if I have meat in my diet. However, whether I was a vegetarian or not, I have always been a passionate believer in sustainable, humane livestock practices and, as much as possible, I buy meat

So, it’s seems we’re in the backlash to the backlash part of the Cecil the lion internet reaction. Can someone let me know when we’re in the backlash to the backlash to the backlash? Cause I have a great think piece I want to write. *kills self*

I don’t think it’s bewildering if you have even the faintest understanding of depression. My mom tried to kill herself when I was 9, my brother was 7 and we were both in the home. It made no sense at all. Suicide doesn’t make sense. It’s nothing she would have logically chosen in a rational state. But she was

I immediately thought no way these are real vintage random photos, this is some sort of viral marketing. Very well done viral marketing with stunning photos! But deeeeeefinitely viral marketing. Though I would be so happy if I were wrong and this was some lovely mystery.

I don’t know, I work in reality TV and I looooooved Burning Love. I don’t think people who work in reality should be so sensitive about parodies or scripted takes on reality tv. I haven’t seen Unreal yet because I am cheap and only watch TV on the internet (yes, I am a bad TV worker) but I’ll probably check it out at

Fucking EXACTLY. They aren’t even in the same ballpark.

This gif is AMAZING. Thank you!

Oh my god, oh my god. :( That’s horrific. My friend’s husband died of an asthma attack in front of her and I just can’t imagine watching a loved one struggle to breathe and not be able to help. (And I certainly can’t imagine being trapped on a plane while that happens to someone else.) How absolutely horrible.

As a terribly claustrophobic person, let me just say OH MY DEAR GOD, NOOOOOO!!!!!

Thank you! It was really, really awful. Luckily (luckily?) I was still in such shock it didn’t even fully register until weeks later. But this was all 16 years ago at this point, so I’ve grieved and can appreciate the absurd terrible-ness of the whole experience without it hurting too much at this point. :) Anyway,