
Well, lets see. I flew back from Ghana seated next to one of my travel companions who GOT MALARIA while we were there because he decided he didn’t “really need” the anti malarial medication we were all given. The flight was harrowing. (If you have never been around someone with malaria, the labored breathing and

If this is just some nasty ploy to make me want cheesecake for dinner, guess what? IT WORKED. THANKS A LOT.

Wha??? At THREE? To a human? That’s exactly what we did with our 2 year old dog on the first day we got him. But I guess it sounds like it worked out for the best in this case, so I will stuff my judgment back in my head, haha.

I’m so sorry you’re going through a rough time. I don’t know if there’s an easy answer, but for my marriage (7 years married, 10 since we started dating) we had exactly one rough patch (and it was no fun) but it only lasted about 3 months and it was a difficult adjustment after moving across country together and being

Haha, I actually snort laughed at your comment.

Oh, this is such a sad story. Not at all shaming or judging the choices made here, but as a PSA for anyone else in a similar situation, please do not wait until your dog bites multiple people or dogs, certainly not your friend’s eye socket (YIKES.) If you have a very aggressive dog (even if you understand the reasons

EW. Okay, fine, most of these actual items of food are delicious! In their original forms. However, I have never once in my life wished my biscuits and gravy or reuben sandwich was magically transformed into a... chip version of itself. Because why? WHY ON EARTH??? This is not like barbecue sauce or salt and vinegar.

Is it because her face doesn’t look like it moves at all??? I mean, that doesn’t make me hate her, but it does weird me out a bit. (Not that my opinion of her frozen looking, very pretty face matters at all, obvs.)

Having a gchat (especially one of me venting) popping up within view of a supervisor is like, one of my top 10 fears. Especially since the reformatting process the box is GIANT. I very rarely vent about work via gchat anyway, but I am extra careful with notifications and not leaving my gmail up when I walk to the

Yeah, I kinda thought this was what this article was going to be about. Or the risk of a gchat popping up while your boss is near your computer, or you’re away from your computer, etc.

I work on this show!!! Thanks for posting this, guys! It’s sincerely such a fun show to work on, with really great people behind the scenes - it’s one of the best in reality land as a worker bee, anyway. :)

Ha, my husband’s card game is amazing as well and mine... well, I generally find a card that kiiiinda works and then scratch out several words like “mom” or “in deepest sympathy” and write in what actually makes sense. I am perhaps not the greatest wife. ;)

Here is a really good, really long read about how we are failing to treat heroin addicts properly by taking an abstinence only approach that doesn’t deal with the changes in brain chemistry that heroin addiction causes, unlike medication that does deal with that. It really is worth reading.


I never thought of just having one kid until being pregnant (I’m about 11 weeks right now) and holy shit do I NOT want to do this again. And I’m not even at the hard, giving birth and weighing 25-30 extra pounds point! One child is sounding lovelier and lovelier.

I think youngest siblings can be a bit difficult regardless of gender. (Of course #notallyoungestsiblings.) Anyway, my first husband was the youngest of three and he. was. so. spoiled. Not in a materialistic way, but in the way that he never had to do things on his own, so he... didn’t. When we started dating in our

Somewhat related - did anyone take a babymoon? Was it fun/worth it? I’m just about 10 and a half weeks with my first baby right now, and while I can totally get behind the idea of spending some quality time with the husband before Diaper City, I cannot imagine wanting to go on a trip right now. Maybe when I’m done

Um, WOW. Also, I love her bikini!

UGH, whatever. Look, I work in a competitive industry and I know a lot of successful male and female bosses. Shockingly, many of the female bosses who are most successful are fairly feminine. They are really nice, they use exclamation points in their emails, apologize when they’re wrong, and they definitely don’t have

Based on everyone I’ve ever met from Wisconsin, I am sure this is 100% accurate. They are a delightful, beer loving folk.

It totally depends on the wedding. I’ve been to no kid and kid friendly weddings and they just have different vibes. One of the best weddings I’ve ever been to was on a friend’s family farm and it was super kid friendly during the day (kids playing with farm puppies and chickens and finding tadpoles in the pond, etc.)