
For my husband and I, I think we talked about it for 3 years. We wanted to accomplish some things (mainly pay off the majority of our credit card debt and amass some savings.) We had to be extra prepared financially because I work freelance, so I will have no paid time off other than (thank god) paid family leave act

Oh my god, we shouldn’t be adding things! We should be taking them away! ONE to TWO pre wedding events and that should be IT. Either an engagement party, bachelor/bachelorette party, or a bridal/brodal/couple shower. NOT ALL OF THEM. I’m so sorry, my all caps rage activated, but I have had too many friends have an

This has been driving me to the point of a rage stroke every time I see this screen grab on Twitter. Fox News - a.) you are absolutely part of the culture that created this homicidal monster, in fact a driving fucking force and b.) do not take this hate crime and instance of domestic terrorism and weave it into your

I mean, I totally get that gay people don’t want straight assholes trying on their identity for a day (or a tweet) for laughs or to be cute, but I don’t think we should smack stuff like this down so quickly because honestly, - sexuality is a spectrum, and the more people express that and accept that, in all kinds of

Yep - I want to know about the family raised this monster. Because there’s no way they are not complicit in this.

Well, you’re doing the lord’s work. Thank you!

Except, sadly, you’d probably get arrested for vandalism and I bet they’d find a way to get a brand new lawn of sod the next day. Sadly!


Fuuuuuuck these people. If you don’t like it, take your millions and move to a place that is either a.) not going through a terrible, horrific drought and/or b.) not naturally a desert environment. Also, I swear rich people don’t think ANYTHING applies to them - taxes, vaccinating their kids, water restrictions. Money

We’re good, my friend. Internet communication = not the most clear or efficient sometimes! ;)

I mean you’ve told me twice that it’s a joke, so I’m clear on that. I just haven’t ever known anyone who just decided to have kids without even a discussion first. But I’m an Old and so are all of my friends who have kids, so that may be part of it!

Ah. Cause gay or straight, I don’t know anyone who approaches having a kid with a “eh, fuck it, why not?’ attitude. Unless the beginning of Idiocracy is more documentary than I think.

That’s why I personally have stolen several babies!

Really? I find that super strange. Not at all saying it isn’t indeed common or even the norm, but my husband and I talked for years about when we would have kids. We decided fairly early on in dating that we wanted kids, but I mean, I think it must’ve been 3 plus years of talking about when to time it with careers and

Best of luck to you! I have three friends who finally were able to welcome babies into the world this year after years of miscarriages, IVF, etc. They are the most thrilled, grateful parents I’ve seen and those babies are super lucky.

Jesus christ, dude. Yes, and some people drink in moderation and it’s lovely. I have two alcoholics in my family and it’s very painful, but I don’t lose my shit on random blog posts about booze because CALM DOWN.

Guys, I swear to god, as a book reader, he’s not dead. I mean in a book world where we have SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS a back-from-the-dead Catelyn Stark committing revenge murders all over the countryside, it’s not too far from the realm of “normal” to imagine that Jon Snow could be a.) brought back

I love this and am going to (try to) use it!

It’s time we have an honest discussion about why you people don’t know how to fucking behave.

Who cares??? I feel like there’s so much threatening - oh, if you do X no man will want you! If you don’t look like Y no guy will be interested! If you make a certain amount of money, your man will cheat! Fucking FINE! Then I’ll be alone until I find a guy who isn’t terrible and lame! (And PS - I have a rad husband