
Right! I would read/watch a million prequels! There are so many eras/stories to choose from or to just create.

Oh my god, that poor guy. :( That is terrible.

This is amazing and I love you.

Ha, I love this! And your kitty is so handsome!

Dang! Luckily, Calamity hasn’t done that yet. She has figured out the zipper though, so she gets the hard crate and our other kitty (who is either not quite as smart or not quite as determined to escape) gets the soft one with the zipper.

I LOVE THE SLINK OFF!!! It’s like my favorite thing about owning a cat. Calamity is also super affectionate, so sometimes she’ll be nuzzling you so hard she loses her balance and falls and it’s just the best. Clumsy cats forever!

Yeah, I keep hoping Calamity will get used to it, but she’s 6 and so far she has not. She’s taken to puking in her new, fancy carrier, in addition to frantically trying to escape and crying. Thank god our vet’s office is only 5 minutes away. (Though she does get an impressive amount of tantrum throwing in during that

We have another little cat now too, called Clementine, and she will scratch and fight in order to not be put in the carrier, but once she’s in she could sit there all day. Or for several days.

Aw, I love how it tuckered her out. And yes, moving with cats is the woooorst. My husband and I drove cross country with Calamity and she cried the. entire. way. yes. all. 2000. miles.

Thank you! :) Also, you are a way better cat owner than I am. All I’ve ever gotten Calamity is a new, non cardboard carrier (obvs), a bed, and pipe cleaners. To be fair though, she l-o-v-e-s pipe cleaners. Maybe you should get them for your kitty! Maybe the price of love is actually super cheap and one trip to the

Of course, Stannis had no problem knocking Mellisandre up with a Shadow Baby™ but I don’t know if that has any real connection to fertility.

...the cardboard crate the shelter attempted to put her in for transit home enraged her...

Wasn’t the fertility problem on his wife’s end? I mean... I’m guessing if it came down to it, if he was willing to knock off a brother and a daughter, he’d also kill his wife, remarry and have more children. (Plus, not sure how long kids with grayscale live, if Westeros would even accept a ruler with grayscale, etc.)

Curious - are you a book reader or TV show watcher exclusively? I feel like it might be more emphasized in the books how many people he has burned (or allowed Melisandre to burn.) Not just the people you have listed, but also lots of random people who wouldn’t follow Melisandre’s religion.

Right??? I am baffled by the people who are like, “Whoa, this is out of NOWHERE! Stannis tough but fair! He’d never do that!” He’s not “tough but fair!” He’s a monster who killed his only remaining brother and has burned countless people alive because Melisandre told him to. Maybe he used to be tough but fair, back in

Did you just ignore all the people he burned alive before this?

As I said on Facebook, I am completely shocked that people are completely shocked by what Stannis did. This is the guy who has been BURNING PEOPLE ALIVE SINCE WE MET HIM. He’s a power mad cultist who will do anything to have a magical advantage on his path to the Iron Throne. Yes, he corrects grammar in a funny way,

“Catch a dick?” Wait... am I doing sex wrong?

Aw, thanks! It was a labor of (dorky) love!

The world is bigger than just your perception of it.