
I mean, sure, it could be, but I feel like the overwork/stress thing is so deeply physical that it contributes more. Though that’s just my 2 cents.

Totally get Robert Downey, Jr. as Charlie Chaplin, too.

I wrote an entire, lengthy blog post years ago about my forever crush on Fox Mulder (because I’m a giant dork, that’s why!) but I made a huuuuuge point to clarify the crush was on Mulder, not Duchovny. This has become abundantly more clear and important to state in light of his book and (sigh) dad rock album. I mean,

Yes, if I hadn’t spent $10,000 eloping to Scotland and having an amazing 2 week honeymoon there, my husband and I would have more money... which, we probably would’ve spent doing the same thing but with nicer/hotels/food/drink/dress. :) I mean, look - we save money for retirement and kids too, but this was important

Oh good! So I’m not unnecessarily cynical! That all makes a lot of sense, honestly, and we could do a lot worse, as far as politicians go.

Is he running for office or something? Suddenly this long time bachelor has the perfect wife, he’s making photo ops in Kentucky... sorry, I may just be way too cynical.

If there’s any reason people are having worse sex, it’s not feminism or porn access or any other think piece reason, it’s because we’re overworked! Growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, my mom and almost every parent I know worked 8-5 or 9-5. I do not know a soul who works those hours anymore. Work days have gotten later

I’m glad the internet mob is coming for this family and I hope it teaches people that there are many, many ways to abuse and damage a child without laying a finger on them. When my sweet, wonderful husband was 6 or 7 years old, he did something that made his mom angry, so when his dad got home from work he made my


Oh, you should be fine. Every international flight that I’ve been on has been awesome or at least much, much better than domestic. Air France was hands down the best just because of the copious amounts of free champagne and wine (in coach!) but all of them had tons of entertainment options, more comfortable seats and

Absolutely! I should’ve mentioned that these perks (and complaints about flying in general) make WAY more sense for people who constantly fly for business. I do only fly about 3 times a year, always for pleasure, so I’m probably in a much better mood than someone who has to work before they land because they have a

I feel like people are oddly obsessed with their flights being luxurious or perfect, whether it’s first class or pre board or kid free and I just don’t get it! For me, the flight is something where I sit, read a book, drink alllll the diet coke I can manage (if I have an aisle seat) and then I’m there! Domestic

Your critique of someone’s expression of grief has been noted!

I read the whole thing and it’s just so heartbreaking and beautiful. My dad died suddenly at the same age as Sheryl’s husband and it’s just like a bomb goes off in your life. Everything is so shattered. I can’t imagine how much harder it must be to go through that with so much attention on you. Hope she and her

Oh, poor Tom Hanks. What an embarrassment of a son. At least he still has Colin Hanks!

I mean, my mouth actually dropped open in shock and delight when I read that. INSANELY AWESOME.

“In L.A., the only people you meet are women in your spin class. And you have to wonder, if a woman seeks you out at spin class, you wonder what the motivations are!”

Pete is definitely the worst (other than Harry Crane) but the actor who plays Pete is the BEST. What he does with such a thoroughly unlikable character is amazing. I want to see him in other things, for sure.

THIS IS AMAZING. This should have all of the stars! (Also, can I be your friend?)