
I don’t normally coo over celeb babies, but damn if North isn’t one of the most adorable children I’ve ever seen! Just gorgeous! So anyway, I guess my answer is this baby wore it better.

I wrote this to another commenter, but felt like I wanted to post it to everyone at large. For those of you saying to wait until your kids are old enough to fly without being annoying or only fly in emergency situation, here’s another perspective on that. Not as a parent (I’m not one) but as a former baby/kid:

...Don’t fly? Wait a couple years unless there’s an emergency situation?

’m sure I won’t care about it at all the second I can see the little guy/gal and hear the heartbeat! But yeah, it was just like a momentary reaction of wait WHAT? Haha. :)

This guy is the worst and can go fuck himself with a transvaginal ultrasound device. Obviously.

WHAT? That is insanely unprofessional (on both of their parts) and crazy rude.

Oh my GOD.

I knew an Ursula growing up. She was an opera singer (as was I at the time) and the name was perfection for her/that field. In general, I love the name anyway.

You know how you know you’re gorgeous? You can pull of that haircut. I have ONLY seen models wear and pull of that look. If I tried it I would look like a chubby, suburban 45 year old who had her hair cut by a weedwhacker.

A straight up long and detailed memoir chronicling your entire life so far? Sure, that’s totally lame unless you’ve had an amazing life. (Malala, I will read your memoir.) However, a humorous series of essays about various times you made a fool of yourself or had adventures? NO! I love those! Please don’t delete! It

I’m white and grew up in a nearly all white neighborhood and I developed a pretty serious eating disorder that lasted from 13-24. The pressure to be thin was always implied. (Though, it was also pretty pointed in terms of street harassment - I was yelled at from car windows about my how fat I was while walking home

How exciting! My husband and I are trying as well. (Just started two months ago.) I too wish there were some sort of non cheesy parenting/trying to have a baby sites. I’ve been on nameberry a bit (it’s mostly to think of name ideas, but they have a trying to conceive thread in their moms’ groups forum.) It’s... fine.

Yeah, that’s why I mentioned the possibility of thigh lipo. I think she’s been doing that for years. (Though possibly/probably in conjunction w the butt injections.)

No harm in saying that at all! I’m just saying myself (and many other women I know in my 30’s) have seen a weight gain happen around your 30’s overall, and most especially ass. I’m sure she’s probably gotten injections (like she has on her face and what not) but who knows?

Not sure how old she is, but I have a kind of similar body type to her and my ass got significantly larger once I hit 30. I mean, when I turned 30 I gained 10 pounds overall, but I swear that 8 of it went to my ass. (Not saying for sure she hasn’t had either ass implants or thigh lipo to make her butt appear bigger,

Yeah, thanks for your insight. I’ll definitely let my friend know how complicated international adoption is. I’ve considered adoption myself (a few years down the road) but I’ve always wanted to do domestic foster to adopt because I worked with kids in the foster system as a teenager and young adult and it’s

Oh my god, that’s horrible. I’ll let my friend know immediately. (I think she’s a couple years away from going through with it, whether international or domestic.) That’s really sad because her husband was really hoping they could go the adopting from China route, but it is not worth being a part of something so

In your opinion is there any way to adopt internationally in an ethical way? Even a middle class person in the US is going to be much, much richer than anyone in a 3rd world country, so it’s always going to be “some rich lady” (and her husband, in this case) taking the child away from her/her home. And even if the

Oh how funny, we considered Gretna Green! We got married in Edinburgh instead. But yes, it was terribly romantic, but if our family situations had been different we definitely would’ve had a traditional wedding. Parties with everyone you know and love = amazing! :)

So true! My husband and I were elopers, but that was mostly because we have teeny tiny families, some of whom cannot be trusted to be around alcohol or in the same room together, haha. I have been to TONS of giant weddings, some with (much appreciated) wedding planners and they have been a BLAST. And just as romantic