
Aw, I know the guys who are making this movie from film school (the director and writer anyway.) They’re both pretty nice guys, so I feel kind of bad that this is getting universally torn apart. However, it does look super cheesy and like a blatant money grab from teens who watch youtube channels, so... yeah. Also,


I personally don’t care whether Kanye, or Angela Davis, or Kermit the Frog have honorary degrees because I consider honorary degrees to be 100% meaningless. But of course, that’s just my opinion! Another opinion I have is that it’s not super reasonable to tell someone to shut the fuck up over a comment about Kanye and

Sadly, echoing other commenters, that is very common in most high paying fields these days. I mean, I’m sure I don’t get paid nearly what your friends make and 12 hour days are industry standard/bare minimum if I’m working on set. (I work in reality tv. Post production is 8-10, generally 10, production is 12-16,

Wow, you’re rude.

Well, I mean I totally hear you on the struggles/costs of higher ed, but it’s an honorary art degree. He’s been working in the arts (music anyway) his whole career and he’s had massive success. It’s not like they gave him a PhD in engineering or something. He got rich and famous because of his songwriting, which is an

Second hand exposure to Don Draper can be deadly!

Yep. My husband will be taking 2 weeks of his PTO time when we have a baby. And I feel lucky to get that, which is sad. My coworker (I work in a different industry, which is freelance and therefore has ZERO paid time off) took a three day weekend off when his wife had a baby. THREE DAYS. UNPAID. THAT’S IT. :/

I guess it’s uncool to be excited, but I’m excited about this! I had to stop shopping at our local Trader Joe’s because almost all of the meat we bought there went bad like, immediately. I don’t know what happened, it never used to do that, but after months of wasting food, we just started shopping at Albertson’s.

Jesus christ that’s depressing. I have no problem with moving on with your life, but like... wait a second and process your (presumable) grief. And that goes triple if you have kids. Sheesh.

So sorry you had to go through all of that. My husband is doing really well now. He went to therapy for a year, which helped tremendously as far as alleviating any thoughts of blame. He knows I support him 100% and he’s slowly been able to talk about things more with his siblings, which has helped a lot. (They’re

Totally feel you. In addition to my husband’s situation, I have an alcoholic, deeply troubled brother. We’re not out of contact completely, but it’s gotten to that point before and probably will again. It’s so rough to cut off family because there’s just this deep, instinctual love, no matter how fucked up things get,

Good luck with that whole situation, it’s so tough. My husband has a very toxic, unstable and just plain mean mother and he finally cut off all contact with her a couple of years ago. It was SO hard to watch her basically toy with his emotions and hurt him for years while I watched and comforted him, but ultimately it

Thanks for this. It is so hard for people (like my husband) with toxic or otherwise unloving/unstable mothers (or fathers) because people always assume there’s something wrong with you or you’re not a nice person if you don’t speak to one of your parents. My poor husband’s mom is a monster. Like, for real. Growing up

Oh man, hugs to you. That’s terrible.

Oh I never mention it unless I’m at a restaurant and I have to ask a question to the waiter. And haha, about the family part! True! Most people (family or not) do shut up after I bring my dr into it. Though you’d be surprised how many people think they know more than doctors!

Coffee is part hashimoto’s (excessive caffeine is bad for the thyroid, apparently) but part that I have a heart condition and my father died quite young of a heart attack. The gluten is because of the hashimoto’s. Based on friends I know who have hashis, it depends on your dr whether or not they tell you to stop

Hahaha, that was basically my reaction at the time. (I have a heart condition as well, so it may not apply to everyone with hashi’s.) But it was a very painful transition, to say the least!

I will never understand why anyone gives a shit about someone else’s diet, unless that diet is like, babies or human hair or something horrifying. If it’s just, you know, food? Why care? Why evangelize or make fun? It’s so weird. When I was a teenager I was a vegetarian and my extended family gave me SO MUCH shit

Oh my god, they’re like the cutest little aliens! THANK YOU FOR THESE.