
I like the Mindy Project and think Mindy and her writers are hilarious, but I can’t help but agree with this. The constant reinvention didn’t help, the rotating cast - like, why did they bring in that old crabby white doctor at the end of this season?? For what possible reason? It just never really found its footing.

Well, sure. I was just kind of kidding/exaggerating based on the fact that I would kill a man to have a dishwasher but am a poor renter who can’t afford to purchase one. :)

But FYI, you can dislike Courtney Love without being sexist. She’s just a piece of work. I remember seeing an interview with her years ago where she went on and on about how much better of a musician she was than her husband. Even if that’s true, which, whatever, is not the point, who the fuck says that about their

Yeah! Stop being poor, just be rich! Ugh.

Ugh, this is the least interesting type of style that is happening in the South. SO. BORING. Where are my tatted rockabilly ladies of Nashville? Or the stylish hipsters of Athens, GA? And Keep It Pretty, Please, reminds me of the worst aspects of the South (rich, white, stuffy) not the stuff you want to continue

Whoa, what the fuck is wrong with that person? Just looked it up and jesus. There has to be something deeply wrong with you to use someone’s death in that way.


Basically my worst nightmare is having a kid who does something like this or worse. Like what if you had a kid and you loved him with all your heart and then you found out he tortured and killed an animal? Or what if your kid was a bully and beat up other kids? Terrifying. I honestly don’t know if I could love my

Gotcha. Thanks again for posting - will donate after I get paid Friday!

Thank you so much for posting! Has this been verified or does Go Fund Me already do that? (I’m only really familiar with Kickstarter, sorry.)

Oh I agree she’s not an idiot! I just think she’s way too paranoid, vengeful and obsessed with absolute power to make her a good Game of Thrones player. But honestly, it’s rare to be good! Most people in the series are terrible! Like Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon!

I love the drama and the idea of this, but I haaaate the yellow color. (But honestly, what do I know? I am wearing a boring black sweater and jeans and am pretty well covered with pistachio dust from recent snacking.)

Yup! I wonder if they’re going to give Show Cersei the same comeuppance as Book Cersei. Cause it is ROUGH. (Deserved, for sure, but yikes.)

Oh god, stick with whatever your lips naturally look like, people! Any adjustments always look weird AF. My best friend has naturally thin lips and she starting getting injections a couple years ago. Yes, they are technically bigger now, but in a weird, always puffy way. No one has every feature that they want. I have

i also realized that i am sexually attracted to bronn this week, so i’m working through that.

Yeah, Cersei is actually really bad at the Game of Thrones, but she THINKS she’s amazing at it. Which is probably the worst kind of player to be.

Looooove this list. You are the best.

The craft beer crowd and its ridiculousness has seriously made my husband consider changing careers at various times over the last couple of years. He loves what he does but craft beer obsessed people can be... intense, to put it politely.

I’m a musician as well! I lived in indie music mecca Athens, GA for a while and played in some bands and at a certain point I was like... I love the music but I cannot deal with music snobs. Neither beer nor music are curing cancer guys, it’s supposed to be fun! Also, taste is subjective!