
My husband works in the craft beer industry - I am now of the opinion that EVERYONE needs to pipe down about craft beer. And I like craft beer! I just do not like most of the people who are waaaaaaay into it and jerks about it. Seriously, beer “culture” is like the indie music scene years ago and it makes me want to

Sympathy is irrelevant when we’re talking about excess force and doing your job interacting with the public. My mom and brother have to do their job even if the person attacking them is a total asshole (and they often are either total assholes, or mentally ill or drug addicts - none of whom are one bit pleasant,

To anyone who is saying she “deserved” this because she was acting aggressively, my mom and brother both work in social work. They deal with aggressive, physically violent and sometimes armed individuals (my brother in particular, who used to work in group homes and now assesses mental health at jails.) They are

But in fairness nothing! My mom and brother both work in social work. They are taught from day one how to restrain people safely who are trying to harm themselves or others. It is quite literally a BIG part of the job of a police officer to safely restrain people who are dangerous. If they can’t do that without

It’s not always terribly expensive if you deal hunt. My husband and I eloped in Scotland and honeymooned there. We searched flights for months, daily, and found tickets (fiiiiinally) for $650 each. We airbnb’d it when in the country, and all in all, spent less than my friends did on weddings in town. But yeah, it’s a

Not to mention even if you’re NOT in the wedding party, bachelor, bachelorette, bridal shower, engagement party, all of that shit adds up. (Thankfully I’ve never had any friend do ALL of the above, but I’ve definitely had friends do two of the above. I’m just about to spend $150-200 on a bachelorette party for a

Going to a wedding in June. The tally was $1500 (it’s in another state, so plane tix + hotel), but and then my husband and I just got invited to the bachelor and bachelorette parties respectively, which will be running us $100 - $200 each. (And thank god they did something in town! It would be way more if it was out

Haha, I’m going to put a gem encrusted monocle on MY wish list! ;)

Good point- I love everyone in the cast (especially Alan Rickman) and there is totally a chance I’m being overly optimistic. But I am basically wracked with nerves re: the X-Files returning to TV, so I have no fears or concerns left for this venture, haha. Fingers crossed, but you may be right. It’s tough to cast

I love Galaxy Quest but I’m oddly optimistic about a TV reboot. I think it’s definitely an amazing concept that could be expanded into a tv show and hell, on average, I’d trust a TV show to be better than a movie these days. We’re in the Golden Age of TV! Most movies are garbage - especially reboots. (Of course,

Aw, adultosaur, you’re a delight and now I feel like I was specifically being mean to you, haha. Shall we leave it at... #sorrysincerelysorry? :)

I know! But there’s something about that first snide sorry that bugs me. Hashtags I’d prefer: #dontcare #notsorry #idgaf. Just for whatever reason #sorrynotsorry sounds like a sing songy thing an elementary school kid would sing and it drives me crazy. (But to each his own. I’m sure it’s not going to go away any time

Agree! It just sounds so bratty.

Haha, wouldn’t that be amazing? The rude, low class scandal it would be!


This may be the case, but there’s certainly a polite way to say this.

I mean, I think I’m still recovering from the rage stroke I had after reading this, but two thoughts spring to mind:

This is exactly how I feel! Weddings are stressful for the couple, finances can be stressful for anyone, just be cool and understanding! I have declined to go to weddings or participate in weddings due to finances, and I'm still totally close friends with those people. I am just about to fork over $1500 to attend a

That is a really good point.

It's great! I was going through it on a tear on my flight... until I got to the plane crash chapter. But I just skipped that chapter and kept going. It is honestly such a cool book. My mom wants to donate her body to science, so I found it especially interesting and unexpectedly emotional.