
Because this is exactly what every Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad already are for iTunes and the App Store. You can easily use iTunes on any PC and most smartphones, but Apple can make profit again selling you the hardware to hook into the content.

This post made my day.

Ghetto Silencer:

Stating Apple products (blanket statement) are crap suggests you are the one who fails to care about technology. The S3 is better than the iPhone at some things, and worse at others; however, the difference between them for most functions would hardly be described as "magnitudes." If you're referring to hardware,

Completely off topic, but this is your most recent post...

Thanks for noticing the irony. /italics

Sure, if by protesting you mean barring the door and preventing customers from entering...

I think the point of this is just to share some apps you might like to use instead of the stock ones if you find them a little lacking. Personally I am fine with most of the stock apps, but I have always found YouTube (including the new one since iOS 6) to be lacking and would really like to try Jasmine. The same with

I named mine "Apple Crap"

This made me lol out loud.

This calculator thing is a racket...

Did you suggest Gizmodo fix misinformation in an article? You're new here, aren't you?

I'm a sea foam green man myself. I know, manly right? Of course I refer to the greener sea foams, as the bluer ones are fake. These colors are close enough for me to approve of this year's COTY.

"Though many cases of EMI have been reported over the years, with PEDs suspected as the cause, it has proven almost impossible to duplicate these events."

Despite this being the internet I will, instead of proceeding with unheralded douchery, admit that I may have misinterpreted your statement to say that the Surface in general is dead and not just the RT. The RT, yes, it's just a tablet that runs a new version of Windows Phone (basically).

iPad 3 had zero significance in reference to changing the tablet landscape (I own one, so there goes bias you could claim). Windows 8 tablets are absolutely the most game changing thing to happen to tablets since the first iPad. They show that you can take tablets from consumption machines to mediums for creation.

A jailbroken iPhone is the best, but it also causes a lot of issues. I also haven't tried it since my 3G, but I don't see enough of a need to with added functionality vs added headaches.

Does the android have Wolverine claws on his left hand?!

You mean like they did in the article?