Over 25 comments and not 1 mention that the center looks like a giant penis? Really Internet? I do spend more time on Gizmodo than Jalopnik though.
Over 25 comments and not 1 mention that the center looks like a giant penis? Really Internet? I do spend more time on Gizmodo than Jalopnik though.
Which writer? I do remember some being much funnier than others; Seanbaby I think was my favorite.
Yes. They're another one who hate their own fans. I haven't read Cracked regularly in years, but I did enjoy it quite a bit back in the day.
You must not like Tool either.
Whoa dog! What's with the Cracked hate?
I don't get the hate for this guy. He seems like he genuinely wants to try to do something different to enjoy it and possibly change people's perspectives. I also respect him for admitting that there is a certain selfishness in his endeavor. When I was reading the article that's all I could think about, and when he…
I'm sure he could if he likes going to court for a ticket that will get thrown out.
Still made the wrong choice.
I think ghhhuuuuukkk already addressed why he might not have helped the player right away, but as far as him being a "rent-a-cop" the article does say "he's a 27-year veteran from South Walpole, and this is his first year on bullpen duty." He's definitely put in his time to finally get some cush shifts this year.
I thought this was going to be an officer from the bombing as well. The photo you posted definitely shows the somber part of when these guys unfortunately have to do the worst part of their job. I feel like the photo in the article is more of a "sports" photo though, as it shows someone who usually would be more calm…
As much as it brings me pain to recommend a post with grammar that atrociously bad, the point needed to be made that this one of the most overused memes on the Internet and this is one of the worst examples.
Now I just need to own a Windows phone to make that a viable option. I had the opportunity to get the 1020 through work, but I stuck with my One as I have come to rely heavily on the automation features I've programmed using Tasker.
Bought it. Don't even care if I never get to use it. $0.99 is worth risking for the one app I've wanted forever.
What about those of us that just don't pay, or pay very very rarely?
I'm not impressed unless they change all the ti... holy s**t, they're changing all the tires.
It would be amazing, but don't trust the built in GPS to get you to the enemy.
While I will not in any way support Jesus Diaz's fact checking, and by fact checking I mean lack thereof, all you said was that they didn't mention this isn't the first ship like this. They did in fact mention that in both articles, much more accurately in the Jalopnik post. Now yes, Hyuga preceded Izumo class, so…