
This pic has got me film-casting fixating (once again): should Hollywood ever consider making a film about that whole sordid John Edwards dramarama, Tom Cruise would be a wise first choice, lead role-wise.

Oh pot.

Don't judge - for all we know, the art they ate was edible sculptures, like chocolate bunnies or Michaelangelo's David rendered in Gouda.

So Christina Ricci is actually Roberta? I wonder if she uses duct tape on laundry day.

I'm going to start a petition calling for to stop allowing stupid petitions.

Teacher: You go, gurl.

I'd have loved to see an apology letter that contained "I am not a crook" or "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or "I plagiarized, probably in a drunken stupor."


Good fucking Lord. Ms. Dodai? Not Ms. Stewart?

Don't worry kid, this won't impact you too much. Say it with me now:I am a white male! I am a white male! I AM AT WHITE MALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am confused! Does this mean that Dodai is nasty or not? [think back to your 90's (it was 90's right?) pop people!]

I propose you:

I am tempted to copy and paste the apology into Google to see if it's an original or not.

First of all, that apology is written at a level I would consider to be well below collegiate — more like a 6th grade book report level. How could he think he'd be able to present your article as his voice? But secondly:

I believe what you are smelling is the distinct stench of someone apologizing not because they are sorry for doing it, but for getting caught.

You are far more determined and driven in your writing then have ever been in my whole life.

No idea how I'd respond to the student, but I think the prof's reaction and the punishment are a total class act, really smart and productive.

"My name is Ms. Stewart, not Ms. Dodai."

Well, he can always move to Kentucky and run for the US Senate someday.

I wouldn't go that far. People don't get shot in Australia as much (because gun laws, for starters) but look into Aboriginal deaths in custody, why don't you?

I feel like as an Australian I should remind you about our abhorrent laws against asylum seekers which both main political parties pushed in the last election. Our 'casual racism' results in the death of boat people all the time. We have no moral high ground, our racism is just disguised as policy.